Used in (16 in total)
carefree; buoyant; lighthearted; ease
lightly; easily; carelessly
agile; nimble; casual (clothing); light (e.g. luggage); carefree; with limited responsibility
rash; thoughtless; imprudent; careless; frivolous
easy; simple; informal; offhand; cheap
common foot soldier (feudal Japan); samurai of the lowest rank
Tsugaru (Western region of Aomori Prefecture)
cheerful; buoyant; lighthearted
loose; promiscuous; quick; brisk; rash; thoughtless
promiscuous woman; wanton girl
nimble; light
loose-lipped; talkative
samurai in command of a troop of foot soldiers
Tsugaru Dialect (Tsugaru region of Aomori Prefecture)
freely; readily; cheerfully; without any sense of hesitation; without reserve; without treating it as a big deal