Used in (50 in total)
acquisition (esp. corporate); buy-out; takeover; bribery; buying off; corruption
trade; buying and selling; trafficking (e.g. of humans, arms, drugs); dealing
procurement; purchase; buying; school store; co-op; school canteen
slave trade; white-slave trade; human trafficking
school store; co-op
buying sex; hiring a prostitute
receiver's shop; pawnshop which knowingly buys stolen goods
purchasers; customer base; market (for a product)
buying power; purchasing power
corporate acquisition (buyout)
bribery scheme; acquisition maneuver
purchasing plan; acquisition plan
buying stolen goods
sales amount; sales volume
not buying
illicit traffic; contraband
right of first refusal; (right of) preemption; purchase option
boycott; buyer's strike
comprador; compradore; person working for a foreign company to the detriment of their own country
comprador-like; being an underling to a foreign company to the detriment of one's own country
order to buy or sell; buy-sell order
trial purchase
a bulk sale; buying and selling in bulk
discretionary account (in securities)
a fence; dealer in stolen goods
transactions on dealer's terms
purchasing power parity theory; PPP theory
dealing in rice speculating on the year's harvest while the paddies are still covered with snow
dealing in rice speculating on the year's harvest before seedlings are set out
program trading; programme trading
dealing in unharvested rice crop
dealing in stolen goods
buying and selling at auction; auction
consignment sales and purchase
buying in installments; buying in instalments