Used in (1106 in total)
word; vocabulary
English (language)
word; language; speech
Japanese (language)
honorific; term of respect; polite expression; honorific language
(inflected) end of a word; end of a sentence
national language; Japanese language (often as a school subject in Japan); native Japanese words (as opposed to loanwords)
term; terminology; wording; choice of words; phraseology
French (language)
tone; manner of speaking
rakugo; traditional Japanese comic storytelling; comic story (told by a professional storyteller)
tone (of voice); parlance; style; intonation; accent
outrageous; preposterous; scandalous; inexcusable; absurd; execrable
boasting; big talk; bombast; Australian English
vocabulary; lexicon; lexis; terminology
German (language)
foreign language
Chinese (language)
whispering; whisper; secret talk; murmur
study of foreign languages; linguistics
Latin (language)
Russian (language)
human speech
to be misleading
secret language; jargon; cant; argot; slang
verbalizing; putting into words
origin of a word; derivation of a word; etymology
to raise one's voice; to lift one's voice; to speak emphatically
words; phrases
the Analects of Confucius (one of the Four Books)
Italian (language)
common language; lingua franca; standard language (language variety understood throughout a country)
standard language (used in government, education, etc.); standard Japanese
archaic word; obsolete word; old saying; old adage; old language; ancient language
sense of language; feeling of a word; impression a word makes; nuance
ancient Japanese (as spoken in Japan until the Middle Ages)
big talk; boasting; bragging
polite language (e.g. masu, desu)
(the extent of) one's vocabulary
official language
Japanese-language dictionary; dictionary of a national language
Spanish (language)
sound (of a sentence); euphony
rakugo story teller; comic story teller
motto; slogan; catchword
language of one's country; mother tongue; native language
dead language; extinct language; obsolete word; word that has become passé
monologue; soliloquy; German (language)
word for word; one word
faulty statement; misleading statement; misunderstanding caused by a misleading statement
coined word; coinage; neologism
Korean (language)
vocabulary notebook; ring of vocabulary flash cards
what language
Greek (language)
colloquialism; colloquial language; slang
kanji compound; idiom; idiomatic phrase
analects; sayings
rhyming game; play on words; pun
indecent language; dirty talk
Hebrew (language)
machine language; machine code
technical term; terminology; nomenclature
Arabic (language)
abbreviation; acronym
modern language; contemporary language; living language; modern Japanese; Japanese as spoken since the Meiji period or alternatively, since the end of World War II
buzzword; vogue word; popular phrase
Portuguese (language)
four-character compound word (esp. idiomatic)
false rumour (rumor); groundless rumour; canard
English-speaking world; English-speaking countries; Anglosphere
Japanese word of Chinese origin; Sino-Japanese word; (ancient) Chinese language
spoken language; colloquial speech; (modern) spoken Japanese; written style based on (modern) spoken Japanese
language learning ability; foreign language skills; linguistic ability
to be beyond words; to defy description
(linguistic) competence; language capability
diction; grammar; syntax; usage; wording
translational equivalent; equivalent word in translation
irony; rhetorical question
vulgar expression; vulgarism
programming language; programing language
new word; neologism; word of recent origin; recent word; modern term
modern translation; translation into modern language (of a classical text, e.g. The Tale of Genji)
original word; original language
seasonal word (in haiku)
every single word and phrase; each and every word
Tibetan (language)
Cantonese (language)
mother tongue; native language; protolanguage; parent language
loanword; foreign-origin word
command of English; proficiency in English; knowledge of English
emphasis (e.g. placed on a word); stress; tone (of voice)
Beijing dialect (of Mandarin); Pekingese
Dutch (language)
four-character compound word (usu. idiomatic)
Japanese translation
modern Japanese (esp. as a school subject)
aphasia; dysphasia
how many words
Japanese (language) version, edition
industry terminology; professional jargon; buzzword
casual language
English version
meaning of a word
counter for languages
language area of the cortex; speech centre (center)
Korean (language)
imperial rescript
written language; literary language; classical (or formal) written style based on Heian-period Japanese
explanation of a word (phrase, term, etc.); interpretation of a word
language center (brain); language centre
English name (for a country, etc.); English-derived nickname (used by someone with a non-Western personal name); Western name
bragging; exaggeration
discriminatory terms
Chinese (language)
speech impediment; speech disorder
everyday language; common parlance; vernacular
Zen terminology; Zen words
phenomime; mimetic word; word that mimics an action, condition, or manner that does not make a sound (e.g. "damp", "calmly")
glossary; vocabulary
words you can't say on TV or radio; taboo words banned from broadcasts
indigenous language; local language; vernacular; native tongue
Czech (language)
headword (in a dictionary); entry word
Ainu (language)
Buddhist sermon
French (language)
onomatopoeic word
root (origin) of a word
meaning of a word
speech; utterance; starting to speak; word used to start a sentence
Japanese language; native Japanese words (as opposed to Chinese-derived words and other foreign loanwords)
Thai (language)
harsh language
Japanese word constructed of elements from one or more English terms; pseudo-English word or phrase coined in Japan; wasei eigo
Swahili (language); Kiswahili
Imperial Rescript on Education (1890)
Hindi (language)
Vietnamese (language)
sociolect spoken in the Tokyo area by gyaru
colloquial style; written style based on spoken language
honorific language
Japanese localization
idiom derived from historical events or classical literature of China
rakugo research society; rakugo research club
sound of a word; sounds of speech; phoneme
(specialist) terminology
meaning of a word
katakana word; word written in katakana
quasi-synonym (word that has a similar meaning to another, but is not interchangeable)
foreign language
discriminatory term; discriminatory language
philosophy of language
Finnish (language)
Taiwanese (language); Taiwanese Hokkien
baby talk (e.g. "choo-choo" for train); words and speech patterns used by infants
teaching of English; English teaching
Pali (language)
quasi-synonym (word that has a similar meaning to another, but is not interchangeable)
talking in delirium; incoherent muttering
dictionary of terminology; glossary
English (language); British English
one's native language; one's mother tongue
Japanese-language dictionary; dictionary of a national language
talking in a delirium
conclusion; concluding remarks
set phrase; idiomatic expression
forgetting the words; inability to pronounce a word correctly
kanji compound formed of opposing elements; antonym; conversation (face-to-face)
to soften one's voice
negative word
Gaelic (language)
classical or dead languages
lover's whispers; sweet nothings; whispered intimacies; babbling (of a baby); babble
Japanese philology; Japanese linguistics
word of recent origin; neologism; recent word; modern term
words mainly used in songs or poetry
one's native language; Japanese
Internet jargon; online slang
word form
Hawaiian (language)
Nepali (language); Nepalese
critical remark; comment; grade (at school; e.g. A, B, C)
German-speaking countries; German language sphere
dictionary of archaisms
degrading language (language used to lower the position of the listener)
literary style; classical style
theatrical performance given in English
Polish (language)
Indonesian (language); Bahasa Indonesia
talking in whispers; confidential words
hackneyed expression
baseless rumor; baseless rumour; gossip; false report
linguist; language expert
number of words
ironic; ironical
Tagalog (language)
Klingon (fictitious language)
knowledge of language
Japanese word-processing
Mongolian (language)
Turkish (language)
word used mainly in writing; literary language
Persian (language); Farsi
word usage; terminology
colloquial writing; text written in a spoken form of the language
colloquial translation
onomatope (i.e. word formed by onomatopoeia)
associated word
C programming language
Swedish (language)
poetic diction
French-speaking world; francophone world; francophonie
humble language (e.g. itadaku)
you're not making any sense; can I have that in Japanese?
same word
another language; different languages
a great many words; huge number of words
business terminology; business jargon
Irish (language); Erse
Frisian (language)
linguistic activity; language (as defined by Saussure; langue and parole)
technical term; technical terminology
Japanese language (as a school subject in Japan)
Malay (language)
Basque (language)
thesaurus; dictionary of synonyms
language of the natives; local language; native tongue; dialect; patois
first part of a word
Shanghainese; Shanghai dialect (of Wu Chinese)
Japanese-language education (for non-native speakers)
language study; language learning
word-for-word; verbatim
Celtic (language)
Hungarian (language)
Danish (language)
linguistic aspects of life; linguistic behaviour
Japanese Language Council
comprehension (of a word)
inflection; conjugation; declension
international language; world language; global lingua franca; constructed international auxiliary language (e.g. Esperanto)
Egyptian (language)
Samoan (language)
bilingual; in two languages
ancient Greek (language)
both languages; both words
corpus; linguistic data; text corpus
international language; world language; global lingua franca; constructed international auxiliary language (e.g. Esperanto)
flavor of literary style; flavour of literary style
Norwegian (language)
etymological theory; etymology
English version; English translation
well-shaped verse
Western language; Japanese word of Western origin
syllable repetition (indicating plurals)
stem; root of a word
Edo dialect
elegant words; refined diction; poetic expression; classical poetic language (esp. of the Heian period)
artificial language (e.g. Esperanto); constructed language; conlang; language for defining structures, logic, etc. (e.g. XML, HTML, etc.)
compound word; compound term
modern Japanese (as spoken in Japan after the Middle Ages); Meiji and Taishō period modern Japanese
language family; family of languages
English studies; English philology; English linguistics
current (present-day) English
(study of) etymology
Khmer (language); Cambodian
Quechua (language); Quechuan; Quichua; Quecha
term used in translation; translation equivalent; word borrowed and translated from another language
word linkage
Mongolian (language)
Okinawan (language)
dirty word
written language; literary language
halting English; broken English
(not even) a few words
simplified language
the opening greeting on letters
Romanian (language); Rumanian; Roumanian
Bulgarian (language); Bulgar
Russian (language)
example of a word or phrase
common saying; slang; argot
practical language; language used for day-to-day activity (in contrast to official languages); facility language
with a gentle face and a nice word
to put stress on a word
language of the enemy (esp. English in Japan during WWII)
baby talk; baby language
Tamil (language)
Sinhalese (language); Sinhala
machine language
Akkadian (language)
Welsh (language)
Sumerian (language)
wasting one's breath (trying to explain something); (lit.) (reading) the Analects of Confucius to a dog
Italian (language)
obsolete word
Western language
different word; another word
computer terminology; computer term
quiet conversation; gossiping; idle talk
American English
Tensei Jingo; daily column in the Asahi Shimbun
command language; control language
Japanese linguistics
university of foreign studies; university specializing in foreign languages
Chinese room (artificial intelligence thought experiment)
derivative (word)
inflection of words (e.g. declension of nouns and conjugation of verbs)
related term; associated words
compound word; phrase; collocation; copula
reserved word; keyword
Burmese (language)
Filipino (standardized Tagalog, the national language of the Philippines)
Germanic language
Syriac (language); Syriac Aramaic
Ukrainian (language)
Indo-European languages
verbiage; wordiness; tautology; blabber; chatter; unnecessary talk
protolanguage; parent language
Tokyo dialect (esp. historical)
(various) languages; language group; language family
substitute; placeholder
lie; falsehood
everyday language; The Tale of the Heike
verbal behaviour; language behaviour
linguistic psychology; psycholinguistics (esp. from a psychological standpoint)
basic vocabulary item
knowing a theory without being able to apply it
text written in literary style
hybrid language; pidgin; hybrid word; portmanteau word
Romance languages
langue d'oc; Occitan
Slovakian (language); Slovak
Norse; Nordic languages (Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish)
Berber (language)
Chinese (language)
group of languages (i.e. the Romance languages, considered as a subset of the Italic languages); group of words
polite Japanese as used by young part-time employees in restaurants, etc.
following a text word by word (e.g. when translating)
middle of a word; within a word
Japanese (language)
language spoken by the Emishi; languages spoken by the nanban during the Edo Period (e.g. Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch); foreign language
global language; world language; languages of the world; world languages
natural language processing; NLP
multilingualization; multilingualisation; localization; localisation
language construct; entity
language used by students; students' slang
sinophone world; Chinese-speaking world
young people's language
redundant keigo (i.e. improper use of the -rareru honorific form together with an honorific verb such as ossharu)
cognate language
Semitic languages
conjugative suffix (i.e. "-iru" and "-eru" for ichidan verbs, "-i" for i-adjectives, etc.)
Ancient Egyptian (language)
Buddhist terminology; word related to Buddhism
Uighur (language); Uigur; Uygur
Javanese (language)
Iranian (any member language of the Iranian language branch, esp. Farsi)
Siamese (language); Thai
Marathi (language); Mahratti
Burmese (language)
Zulu (language)
Croat (language); Croatian
Chinese language (esp. as a college class)
Italian language (esp. as a school subject)
Altaic language
English proficiency test (esp. the STEP test)
word-for-word translation; literal translation
pejorative term; derogatory word; invective
words; speech; expression
classical Greek (language); ancient Greek
Spanish-speaking world; Spanish-speaking countries
do not speak untruthfully (precept)
private school for the study of English
secret language; code word; argot
rambling talk
portmanteau word
parts of speech
scripting language; script language
monolingual; homogeneous (language)
Edo-period Kansai dialect
(linguistic) performance
Japanese Language Proficiency Test; JLPT
unknown language; unknown word
modifier of a non-inflectable word
predicate logic; predicate calculus
acronym; initialism
Altaic (family of languages)
vocabulary word list
agglutinative language
modifier of an inflectable word
military term
sending word by
Afrikaans (language)
Amharic (language)
adult language; office jargon
Urdu (language)
Hangul language (improper neologism for the Korean language)
Lithuanian (language)
Coptic (language)
Assyrian (language)
Lao (language); Laotian
Breton (language)
Cebuano (language); Cebuan; Bisaya
Filipino (standardized Tagalog, the national language of the Philippines)
Catalan (language)
Arabic (language)
Annamese (language); Vietnamese
hard words
foul language; abusive language
Manchu (language)
embellishing one's words (one of the ten evil deeds); embellished language; flowery language
language used in red-light districts during the Edo period
rare word; unusual word; strange word
Romance languages
just a few words
word root (the smallest portion of a larger word that holds meaning)
branch of languages (i.e. Italic languages as a subset of Indo-European languages)
inverted word; verlan
first word (of an infant)
intermediate language; interlanguage
heroic words; big talk; boasting; bragging; grandiloquence; rodomontade
language island; speech island
saying whatever one feels; speaking at random; making careless remarks; rambling talk
basic multi-lingual plane; BMP
Page Description Language; PDL
honeyed words; flattery
Japanese language specialist; linguist specializing in Japanese
independent word; free-standing Japanese language elements (not auxiliaries or particles)
eye-to-eye communication
ancient language; ancient word; Old Japanese; Japanese as spoken from the end of the 6th century to the end of the Nara period
Late Middle Japanese; medieval Japanese; mediaeval Japanese
near-extinct language; seriously endangered language
spoken language (as opposed to literary)
colloquial grammar; grammar of modern spoken and written Japanese
an independent word
to conclude one's speech
Hakka (language)
dependent word; auxiliaries and particles in Japanese
conjugated word
absolute respectful speech; absolute honorifics
borrowed word; loanword; loan word
usage; rules of grammar
Flemish (language)
pidgin language; Pijin (language)
Albanian (language)
Ethiopic (language, languages)
Rhaeto-Romance (language)
Romansch (language)
Belarusian (language); Belorussian; Byelorussian; Belarussian
Lepcha (language)
Estonian (language)
French language (esp. as a college class)
Georgian (language)
Bengali (language)
Kannada (language); Kanarese
Serbian (language)
Kongo (language); Kikongo; Congolese
Ilokano (language); Ilocano
taboo word; forbidden word
Brazilian Portuguese; form of Portuguese spoken in Brazil
Maori language; te reo
Tajiki (language)
four-letter word (vulgar English term, e.g. fuck)
difficult word
Germanic (branch of languages)
Semitic languages
whispering; murmuring; talking in a low voice
end of a word; suffix
Greek (language)
Japanese word constructed of elements from foreign languages
Spanish (language)
street gossips and idle rumors; hearsay
Tangut (language)
lie; falsehood
etymological dictionary; glossary; thesaurus; history of words
sweet whispers of love; sweet nothings; lovers' whispers
grudge; complaint; reproach
words of greeting
non-English-speaking world; non-Anglosphere
race game (board game where the object is to reach the goal first); trad. Japanese board games played with dice, esp. ban-sugoroku
Dutch (language)
Japanese spoken (or written) with an excessive amount of English loanwords
sleep-talking; nonsense
Min Chinese (language); Min
swear word; dirty word; coprolalia
dialect; language of the common people; colloquial language; slang
Portuguese (language)
Portuguese language
Proto-Indo-European (language)
paralanguage (nonlexical component of communication)
R (programming language)
artificial intelligence language; AI language
artificial language
artificial language
old people's talk; sociolect of the elderly
English-speaking person; foreigner
linguistic geography
target language; object language
linguistic rights
Bantu language (of the Bantu language family)
tone language; tonal language
neologism (esp. medical)
partitive term
linguistic map; linguistic atlas
tone language; tonal language
Data Manipulation Language; DML
African American Vernacular English; AAVE; Black English; ebonics
written language; literary language
command language; control language
endangered language
Data Definition Language; DDL
spacing between words
wild rumor; wild rumour
newly introduced word (e.g. in a textbook); new word (to learn); new vocabulary
theory of linguistic relativity
ordinary language school (of analytic philosophy)
language being translated to; target language
speech-impaired person; person with a speech impediment; mute
Data Description Language; DDL
fourth generation language; 4GL
logic programming language
hand signals; flag signals
honeyed words; flattery
Computer Mediated Communication; CMC
multilingual; in many languages
Japanese text book; Japanese text books
women's language
language being translated from; source language
Jurchen language
speech used by the speaker to convey the social stature between the speaker and listener; language conveying that the speaker is of greater social status than the listener
medial (in phonics)
hypernym; broader term
collective term
vernacularism; colloquialism
superstratum; superstrate
constituents of compound word
Early Middle Japanese
object complement; objective complement
twin talk; twin speech; cryptophasia; idioglossia
Japanese language school
private-sphere language; language used in every day life; dialect
assistant language teacher; ALT; foreign national serving as an assistant teacher of English in a Japanese classroom
Manchukuo dialect; Greater East Asian dialect
pseudo-Chinese; Japanese written without kana for intelligibility in Chinese
Japanese-Manchu language
gender neutral word
objective complement; noun or adjective following and modifying the direct object
incorporating language; polysynthetic language
narrower term
national language; state language
male language; masculine language
everyday speech; everyday language
word-length; word size
mixed language; hybrid language; pidgin; word formed via contamination
local language; local dialect
early modern Japanese; Japanese as spoken during the Edo period
noun equivalent (noun, pronoun, gerund, etc.); substantive
passive vocabulary
word form primarily used in spoken language
isolating language
official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish)
graded reader; limited-vocabulary reader
highest honorifics; honorific language mainly reserved for speaking of or to a member of the Imperial family
creating a noun by affixing "ku" to the end of an inflectable word (e.g. "omowaku", "osoraku")
adjunct word
relative respectful speech; relative honorifics
tempo marking; tempo indication
rhyming word; rhyme
function word
words you can't say on TV or radio; taboo words banned from broadcasts
predicate verb; predicator
EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency; STEP test
part of speech
grammar of the classical literature; classical grammar
elegant speech (esp. the use of the prefixes "o-" and "go-"); refined language; polite language
lexical-functional grammar; LFG
kana orthography (esp. historical) of native Japanese words
psychomime; ideophone depicting mental state or sensation
words used to describe tempo, dynamics, etc. in music; musical terminology
homonym that has a native Japanese reading
Indo-Chinese (family of languages)
Malayo-Polynesian (family of languages)
Afro-Asiatic (family of languages)
Hamito-Semitic (family of languages)
Indo-Germanic (family of languages)
Uralic (family of languages)
Sino-Tibetan (family of languages)
Dravidian (family of languages)
Niger-Kordofan (family of languages)
Niger-Congo (family of languages)
Hamitic (hypothetical family of languages)
Arawakan languages
similar-sounding words
study of syntax
stylistic marking (in music, e.g. "dolce", "tranquillo", etc.)
international auxiliary language
logogram; logograph
word form used in literary language
Imperial Rescript on Education (1890)
technical glossary; terminology
constituent negation; word negation
total number of words used (in a text)
English department (e.g. in a university)
preface; editors note; postscript
idiom; idiomatic phrase
courteous language (i.e. humble language in which an action or object is not directed toward the listener or a third party)
Austro-Asiatic (family of languages)
vocabulary list
living language; conjugated word
machine word; computer word
Chinese (language); Qiang (language)
Korean (language)
Kashmiri (language)
Hopi (language)
speech mixing words from two languages
Hindustani (language)
Hittite (language)
Luwian; Luvian (language)
creole (pidgin that has become a mother tongue)
Aboriginal languages (of Australia)
Armenian (language)
Gothic (language)
Kachin (language)
Icelandic (language)
local language; local dialect
Tungusic language (esp. Evenki)
Malayalam (language)
Romany (language)
Azerbaijani (language)
Ge'ez (language)
Illyrian (language)
Udmurt (language)
Etruscan (language)
langue d'oil
Punjabi (language); Panjabi
Maltese (language)
Zhuang (language)
Faroese (language)
Slovenian (language); Slovene
Latvian (language)
Shughni (language spoken in Pamir mountains in Afghanistan and Tajikistan)
Elamite (language)
Ladin (Rhaeto-Romanic dialect)
Navajo (language)
Tahitian (language)
secret language used in the postwar Showa period where certain words are read backwards
Internet slang
Ottoman Turkish (language); Osmanli; Ottoman
Khmer (language); Cambodian
Malagasy (language)
Malagasy (language)
Tswana (language); Setswana
Telugu (language); Telegu
Gujarati (language); Gujerati
Oriya (language)
Sundanese (language)
Kurdish (language)
Pashto (language); Pashtu
Hausa (language)
Uzbek (language)
Sindhi (language)
Yoruba (language)
Somali (language)
Oromo (language)
Igbo (language); Ibo
Assamese (language)
Shona (language)
Madurese (language)
Fula (language); Fulani
Serbo-Croat (language); Serbo-Croatian
Miao (language); Hmong
Rwandan (language); Kinyarwanda
Xhosa (language)
Igbo (language); Ibo
Chamorro (language)
Prakrit (language)
German language (esp. as a college class)
Spanish language (esp. as a college class)
Spanish language (esp. as a college class)
Kapampangan (language); Pampangan (language)
Kazakh (language)
Galician (language)
Finnish (language)
Finnish (language)
Dzongkha (language); Bhutanese
Cebuano (language); Cebuan; Bisaya
Lao (language); Laotian
Walloon (language)
Sorbian (language)
Tigrinya (language)
Tigre (language); Tigrayit
Greenlandic (language)
Lao (language); Laotian
Catalan (language)
Catalan (language)
Dinka (language)
Swazi (language)
Tongan (language)
Ido (constructed language)
Nahuatl (language)
European Portuguese; form of Portuguese spoken in Portugal
Sami (language)
mixed language spoken by Japanese Brazilians
Cia-Cia language; Butonese
Maldivian (language); Dhivehi
Oirat language
babigo; language game of repeating each syllable with an initial "b"
Hiligaynon (language)
Waray (language)
machine word; computer word
predicate noun; predicate nominative
logogram; logograph
sister language; related language; cognate
Austronesian (family of languages)
auxiliary inflecting word (in Japanese)
discussion; consultation
classification of Japanese words by their origin as Japanese, Chinese or Western
English proficiency examination; English proficiency test
Vietnamese (language)
Indic languages; Indo-Aryan languages
Indic languages; Indo-Aryan languages
Anatolian (branch of languages)
Albanian (branch of languages)
Armenian (branch of languages)
Italic (branch of languages)
Iranian (branch of languages)
Indonesian (branch of languages)
Celtic (branch of languages)
Slavic (branch of languages)
Tai languages; Zhuang-Tai languages
Turkic (branch of languages)
Baltic (branch of languages)
Bantu (branch of languages)
Finno-Ugric (branch of languages)
Mongolic (branch of languages)
Mon-Khmer languages
Manx (language)
illustrative word; example word
hybrid term combining elements drawn from different languages
protolanguage; parent language; root word; word in the parent language
Kyōwa-go; Japanese-based pidgin language spoken in Manchukuo
appropriate word; apt word or expression; mot juste
glossary; vocabulary
Southern Min; Minnan; southern branch of Min Chinese
Brazilian Portuguese
British English
Vietnamese (language)
etymology of a word; history of a word
Manchukuo dialect
inflected language; fusional language
honorific expressions learned from company training manuals
substratum; substrate
baby talk (used in talking to young children)
Altaic (languages)
Aboriginal languages (of Australia)
Sino-Tibetan languages
Caucasian languages
Sino-Vietnamese word; Vietnamese word of Chinese origin
Hokkien (language); Fukien; Fujian
Buddhist term; teaching of the Buddha; saying of the Buddha; words of the Buddha
word order
neologism (esp. medical); newly-named disorder
Japanese word constructed from Sino-Japanese elements; wasei kango
rhyme in a Chinese poem
lingua franca; vehicular language; bridge language; intermediary language
Wu Chinese (language)
Korean (language)
non-standard pronunciation
colloquialism; slang; proverb
Yi language
Yue Chinese (language); Cantonese (language)
Gan Chinese (language)
search term; search word
Indo-European language(s)
Proto-Indo-European (language)
humble and honorific expressions; polite speech; honorific; term of respect; polite expression
katakana dictionary; loanword dictionary
Sino-Tibetan (languages)
Proto-Indo-European (language)
coprolalia; uncontrollable use of obscene language
Hokkien (language)
pejorative term; derogatory word; invective
humble language in which the listener (or a third party) is the indirect object of an action (or the recipient of an object, etc.)
humble language in which an action or object is not directed toward the listener (or a third party); humble language used as a courtesy
humble language
mysterious words; confusing words