Used in (164 in total)
trial; judgement; judgment
sewing; needlework
(outward) appearance; (proper) format (e.g. of an essay); form; appearances; decency; lip-service
sanctions; punishment
arbitration; intercession; mediation
court; courthouse
decision; ruling; award; arbitration
president (of an organization); director general; governor (of a central bank); party leader (esp. LDP)
discretion; judgement
dictatorship; despotism
sanction; approval
cutting (cloth, paper); judgement; judgment; decision
district court; local court
(Western) dressmaking
decision; ruling; judgement; judgment
to put to trial; to argue in court
sanction; approval
(punishment by) striking with fists
moot court; mock trial
lay judge (2005 reforms); citizen judge; juror
discretion; discretionary power
matter for the court; (ending up as a) lawsuit; legal tussle; court fight
dictatorship; despotism
district court
tailor; seamstress; dressmaker; clothier
immediate ruling; immediate decision; deciding for oneself; direct ruling; direct judgement
dictatorship; despotic government
bad form or manners; indecency; impropriety
family court
presidential election
taking one's own life; suicide
sanction; approval
latitude; (at one's) discretion; discretionary powers; a free hand
cutting machine; cutter; (paper) guillotine
trial in absentia; judgment by default (judgement)
trial by lay judges; lay judge trial
cutting; cutting off
Tokyo Trials; International Military Tribunal for the Far East; IMTFE
Japanese dressmaking; kimono making
citizen judge system; lay judge system; quasi-jury system
arbitrator; mediator
punishment without a legal trial; vigilantism
for appearances' sake; for appearance sake
president of the party; party leader
(Japanese) Court of Impeachment
dictatorship of the proletariat
arbitrator; mediator
Supreme Court justice; Supreme Court judge
military dictatorship
dictatorship of the proletariat
one-party regime; single-party regime
court injunction; court order
International Military Tribunal for the Far East; IMTFE; Tokyo Trials
dictatorship; despotism
flexible work hours; flexi-time
discretionary work (labour, labor)
summary court; court of summary offences
arbitrage; arbitrage position; arbitrage transaction
matter personally decided by the emperor
competent court; court having jurisdiction (over a matter); court of competent jurisdiction; court of jurisdiction
developmental dictatorship (authoritarian form of government that pursues rapid economic development at the expense of democratic freedoms)
imperial decision; imperial sanction; direct ruling of the Emperor (under the Meiji constitution)
cutting in half
tastefully; respectfully; decently
prime minister and party president
cutting machine; paper cutter; guillotine
appeals court; appellate court
Scopes Trial (landmark US trial on the teaching of evolution in public schools, 1925); Scopes Monkey Trial
cutting; trimming; shearing; pruning
(Associate) Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
original court; court of first instance
judicial decision
trial by jury; jury trial
imperial decision
people's democratic dictatorship (e.g. Maoism)
system of one-party rule; system of single-party rule
governor of a central bank
veto; rejection
general forum; general venue
kimono maker; kimono tailor
court of review; retrial court
(tailor's) cutter
settlement by arbitration
shearing machine
original judgment; original judgement
fake trial; kangaroo court
tailorbird (Orthotomus sp.)