Used in (491 in total)
facial expression; countenance; look; appearance; expression (vocal, etc.)
expression; presentation; representation; notation
indication; expression; display; displaying; representation; (copyright) attribution
representative; representation; delegation; switchboard number; main number
lack of expression; blank look (on one's face)
surface; face; outside; exterior; appearances; superficiality
cover (of a book, magazine, etc.); binding; appearing on the cover of a magazine
table; chart; list; memorial to an emperor
official announcement; proclamation
declaration; indication; representation; manifestation; demonstration; expression
on the surface; ostensibly; superficially; apparently
surface of the earth; ground surface
representative; delegate
stern expression; severe expression; grim expression
expression in writing; written representation; notation; writing on the surface (e.g. an address on an envelope); inscribing on the face
expressing one's feelings; communicating one's intention; declaration of intent
to take (someone) by surprise; to do something unexpected
representative; exemplary; model
superficial; apparent; seeming; surface; cosmetic
nameplate; doorplate
public acknowledgment; public acknowledgement; public recognition; commendation; awarding
surface; outer layer
expression of love; showing love
letter of resignation
epidermis; cuticle; bark; epidermis; facade
Japanese representative; Japanese delegate; Japanese delegation
expressing emotion; drawing facial expressions
symbol; emblem; mental image; representation; idea
expression; presentation
commendation ceremony; award ceremony
front and back; inside and outside; two sides; duplicity; double-dealing; being two-faced
most important work (of a writer, artist, etc.); representative work; masterpiece
to express; to show
schedule; program; programme; itinerary
the two views (of an object) referring to the same thing; being inseparable like the two sides of an object; two sides of the same coin
timetable; schedule
power of expression; expressiveness; expressive power
report card; result sheet
coming to a head; coming to the surface; becoming an issue; breaking
list; table; schedule; catalogue; catalog
surprise; something unexpected
title; index; heading; headline; caption
figurative expression; metaphorical expression
representative director; managing director; president; someone chosen by the board of directors from among the directors to actually represent the company in its dealings with the outside world
victory stand; winners' podium
ranking table (e.g. sports league)
testimonial; certificate of commendation
hidden; non-display; to hide (window, etc.)
superficial; shallow
representative example
expressive person (e.g. in musical performance)
indicator; noticeboard
expression method; how to express oneself; phrasing
courtesy call; courtesy visit
schedule; itinerary
list or table of charges; tariff; price list
chart; diagram; graph; figure
menu; list of meals (e.g. for the week)
expression; confession
mounting (of a picture); binding (of a book)
(right of) representation; right to represent (e.g. a company)
timetable; schedule; allocation of time (e.g. to tasks); time usage
sexual expression; expression of sexuality; gender expression (role)
to express; to show
Expressionism; representationalism
orthographical variants; words with the same pronunciation and meaning, but different written forms; spelling inconsistency
appearing on the surface; symbol; sign; distinguishing mark; diagnostic character
program guide; (TV) channel guide
euphemism; euphemistic expression
medical questionnaire; medical interview sheet; medical history form
to take (someone) by surprise; to do something unexpected
ideogram; ideograph; ideographic script
mounting (a picture)
display device; graphics device
courtesy; show of respect
general policy speech; speech held by the Prime Minister of Japan at the start of a special or extraordinary Diet session
form of expression; form of presentation
memorial to the emperor
idiomatic expression; idiom; fixed expression
list of marks; list of grades
diplomatic mission
unexpected; surprising
work schedule; progress schedule; process chart
(printed) itinerary; road map; program (for the solution of a political problem, etc.)
phonetic symbol; phonogram; phonetic script
(play or film) cast list
table (of logarithms)
notation; orthography; writing system; representation
trial balance sheet
regular expression; regex
not yet officially announced
table of random numbers
model; pattern; paragon; leader; teacher
proportional representation
personnel record; business record
statistical table or chart
simplified chart; quick reference table
seating plan (e.g. banquet); seating chart
classified table; classification table
Japanese syllable table
distinguishing mark
nincompoop; simpleton
display surface; view surface; presentation surface
techniques (of expression)
surface treatment; surface machining; facing
data representation
outside a table or list; not a common kanji
main (switchboard) number; main telephone (phone) number
Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations; Law for Preventing Unjustifiable Extra or Unexpected Benefit and Misleading Representation
Japanese addressing system (district-block-lot); displayed address
representative of a board of directors; spokesperson for a board of directors
table of logarithms; log table; log tables
itemized account; itemised account
expressing one's intent; gesture; ideography
representation in hiragana; hiragana notation
acting leader (usu. of a party)
false labeling; false advertising
phonetic representation
chart at the left
prefiguring; foreshadowing
paperer; picture framer
monument at cemetery entrance
statistical chart; statistical graph
eye chart; eyesight test chart
word, phrase, or image that is perceived as showing or suggesting discrimination or prejudice against a person or group of people
paperer; picture framer
buying a book, magazine because of its cover
mistaken way of writing something; mistaken spelling; wrong way of writing something; wrong spelling
errata; erratum; corrigenda; corrigendum
tabular; tabular form
draft of magazine's content (a table showing the allocation of each page)
symbol; emblem; image; expressing; representation; making clear (e.g. someone's virtues)
staff; stave; score
attached list; appended chart, table or graph
full screen; maximum display; maximized view
something indicative of
representativeness; (level of) representation
food labeling; food labelling
analog representation
false labelling; mislabelling; misrepresentation
conjugation table; conjugation chart; declension table
non-jōyō kanji; kanji outside the common-use kanji list
copyright notice; copyright declaration
multiplication table
the following table
daily trial balance sheet
regional representation
vocabulary word list
title song (of a record)
star catalog; star catalogue
false representation; misrepresentation; false labelling; misstatement
care label (e.g. giving washing, etc. instructions)
grave marker; gravestone; headstone; writing on a headstone (name, date of death, etc.)
ichimoku; chart analysis method for forecasting price movement
eye chart; eyesight test chart; visual acuity chart
distribution list (for assets after seizure, bankruptcy, etc.)
knowledge representation
chart used to keep track of a wrestler's records during the tournament
mislabeling; false labeling; deceptive labeling; fraudulent labeling
display element; graphic primitive; output primitive
memory indication; storage indication
electoral system comprised of single-seat constituencies and proportionally represented multiple-seat constituencies
specification table; specification sheet
condition chart; conditions list; status chart
display image; picture
tide table; tide charts
diagram below
symbol; emblem; sign
National People's Congress (of the People's Republic of China); NPC
sign; portent; omen; herald; harbinger
frequency table; frequency distribution table
phonetic alphabet (e.g. A for alpha, B for bravo, etc.); phonetic code
standard tables of food composition in Japan
In-Out Board (in office)
display space; operating space
travel-time table
prefix notation; Polish notation; parenthesis-free notation; Lukasiewicz notation
expiry date indication; expiration date indication
additional physical rendition; PD PR
laugh line; smile line; nasolabial fold
phonetic transcription; phonetic notation
suffix notation; postfix notation; reverse Polish notation
submission time stamp indication; MS
discourse representation theory; DRT
notation; system of notation
positional (representation) system; positional notation
representative office (e.g. diplomatic)
inside a table or list
illustration by tables
(see the) following table or tables
complete representation
analog representation
glyph representation
view representation
number representation; numeration
company president, with responsibility to represent the company in its dealings with the outside world
positional (representation) system; positional notation
discourse representation structure theory; DRS
writing palatalized sounds with a single kana character
mixed radix (numeration) system; mixed radix notation
code element; code value; coded representation
kanji reading that has not been approved by the government (and is not to be taught in public schools)
non-jōyō kanji; kanji outside the common-use kanji list
chart (esp. stock market, commodity prices, etc.)
prefix notation; Polish notation; parenthesis-free notation; Lukasiewicz notation
prefix notation; Polish notation; parenthesis-free notation; Lukasiewicz notation
suffix notation; postfix notation; reverse Polish notation
prefix notation; Polish notation; parenthesis-free notation; Lukasiewicz notation
surface-active agent; surfactant
journal (accounts)
mixed base (numeration) system; mixed base notation
attitudinal expression (indicating the speaker's respect, contempt, etc. for the listener or the person being discussed)
calligraphic display device; directed beam display device
radix (numeration) system; radix notation
conditional expression (programming, programing)
suffix notation; postfix notation; reverse Polish notation
interindustry relations table; input-output table
written statement
representative of Gifu and Mie prefectures
fixed radix (numeration) system; fixed radix notation
irreducible representation
overflow indication
display command; display instruction
country of origin labeling; COOL
superficial cleavage
conventional (stock) phrase; hackneyed expression; platitude; cliche
simple-interest table
calligraphic display device; directed beam display device
culture of a higher order (as opposed to fundamental culture)
star catalog; star catalogue
display command; display instruction
window; viewport transformation; viewing transformation
logogram; logograph
character display (device); character-imaging device
memory indication; storage indication
simplified list; summary list
proportional representation system in which votes are cast for a publicly available list of party members or for individual members of that list
compound interest table
congratulatory card or letter sent to the Emperor; congratulatory address
schedule of (tariff) concessions
hidden character; non-printable character
vocabulary list
proportional representation electoral system (in which party votes are cast, and candidates from each party are elected based on an ordered list available to the public)
calculator with postfix notation logic; calculator with suffix notation logic; calculator with reverse-Polish notation logic
proportional representation system in which both party and individual votes are cast, seats are distributed amongst parties by proportion of vote obtained, and candidates are elected in descending order of number of votes obtained
cuticle; outermost layer of a hair
financial statement; statement of assets
war-memorial monument
war-memorial monument
house dust mite (Dermatophagoides spp.)