screw; key (of a clock, watch, etc.); spring (of a clock, watch, etc.)
boasting; bragging; big talk; conch (esp. Charonia tritonis); trumpet shell
small spiral-shelled snail; spiral shellfish
conch (esp. Charonia tritonis); trumpet shell
double helix (structure of DNA)
tall story; tall tale; cock-and-bull story
to blow a conch; to blow a trumpet shell; to blow the war horn
braggart; big talker; bigmouth
to talk through one's hat; to blow one's own horn
logarithmic spiral; equiangular spiral
Omphalius pfeifferi pfeifferi (subspecies of top shell)
trapezium horse conch (Pleuroploca trapezium)
Ezo neptune (species of whelk, Neptunea polycostata)
arthritic neptune (species of whelk, Neptunea arthritica)
Tectus maximus (species of top shell)