Used in (21 in total)
lotus flower; Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus); china spoon; lotus-shaped pedestal for a gravestone
rite of scattering flowers; glorious death (in battle); heroic death
red spider lily (Lycoris radiata); cluster amaryllis; cluster belladonna; manjusaka
flowers and incense (given as a Buddhist offering)
lotus position (meditation and yoga posture); padmasana; sitting with legs crossed and feet placed on opposing thighs; lotus seat (under Buddhist statue); lotus base; lotus pedestal
Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus)
udumbara (mythical Indian plant often identified with the cluster fig, Ficus glomerata); something very rare (from the legend that the udumbara flowers once in 3000 years); Japanese fiber banana flower; green lacewing eggs
offering of flowers (at shrine, grave, etc.); floral tribute
heart-to-heart communication; thought transference; (lit.) holding a flower and subtly smiling
Japanese azalea (Rhododendron japonicum); renge azalea
ceramic spoon; fallen lotus petal
Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
lotus seat (under Buddhist statues); lotus base
Buddha's birthday (8th day of the 4th lunar month)
flowers that bloom in the heavens; paper flowers scattered before the Buddha's image
Chinese dunce cap (species of succulent plant, Orostachys iwarenge)
Anemone raddeana (species of anemone flower)
false anemone (Anemonopsis macrophylla)