Used in (49 in total)
play; drama
lawn; grass
lawn; sod; turf
to be affected; to be theatrical; to be pompous
small theatre; kabuki performed in a small theatre; little performance; short acted scene; act
kamishibai; storytelling with pictures; form of Japanese street theater and storytelling (popular from the 1930s to the 1950s)
one-person show; one-woman show; one-man show; performing solo; monodrama
monkey show; bad acting; overacting; unconvincing performance
playhouse; theatre; theater
large-scale play; play with an A-list cast; big act; big charade; theatre with a government licence (Edo period)
to play a trick; to put up a false show; to deceive someone; to put on a play; to present a play; to give a play
lawn; sod; turf
lawn mowing
theatergoer; someone who likes plays
grass plot
artificial grass (lawn)
tearoom attached to a theater (esp. in kabuki)
striving for effect; heroics; dramatics; showmanship; staginess; (exaggerated) theatricality
the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
provincial theatrical performance
amateur theatricals; amateur dramatic performance
moss phlox (Phlox subulata); moss pink
play put on in a village; play put on by villagers
the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
actor; actress; someone who works at a theater
roadside grass; roadside weeds; guidance (sometimes esp. referring to guidance in love); guidepost; Chinese fountain grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides)
Korean lawn grass
low-class kabuki theater; low-class play
community performance (amateur theatricals, etc.)
shiba shrimp (prawn, Metapenaeus joyneri)
lawn grass for cold areas
comedy; burlesque
fairy play; pantomime
burning grass in spring (to kill insects)
southern crabgrass (Digitaria ciliaris)
Indian goosegrass (Eleusine indica)
Chinese fountain grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides)
scotch bonnet (Marasmius oreades); fairy ring mushroom; fairy ring champignon
Psilocybe subcaerulipes (species of psychoactive mushroom)