Used in (78 in total)
very; extremely; exceedingly; top; highest; best
urgent; pressing; immediate; urgently; promptly; at once
supreme; sublime; highest
from ... to; between ... and; or
beatitude; supreme bliss
inevitable; necessary; foregone; brinkmate (inevitable checkmate)
greatest treasure; most valuable asset; pride (of)
as soon as possible; ASAP
to ...
Herculean task; next-to-impossible undertaking
midsummer feast; summer solstice celebration; St John's day
very near
most difficult; next to impossible
summer solstice
just; fair; proper; reasonable
sincerity; devotion
wise saying
extreme reverence; deeply revered person; the Emperor
point-blank shot
deep regret; bitter disappointment; chagrin; vexation
unconditional command; must-obey order
absolute purity
art for art's sake; l'art pour l'art; ars gratia artis
sincerity; genuine feeling
very rude; very insolent; extremely reprehensible; outrageous
immense; enormous
art of consummate skill
great nuisance; extremely annoying; quite embarrassing
Mahasthamaprapta (bodhisattva)
you are quite right; quite so; what you say is sensible enough
perfectly reasonable; completely natural; perfectly good (e.g. reason)
holy of holies; sanctum sanctorum
white supremacy; white supremacism
feelings of bliss
supremacy; sovereignty
very reasonable; being perfectly consistent with reason; standing to reason
the highest good
very convenient
the two solstices (summer and winter)
of paramount importance; extremely important; essential
supreme filial piety
self interest supremacy doctrine; (irresponsible) capitalism
perfect correctness
perfect fairness
sincerity can move heaven
attack your enemy's strength with your weakness
light air (Beaufort scale)
optimal; optimum
four sides (boundaries) of a property
day of the solstice
overriding necessity; absolute requirement; an absolute must
millenarianism; millennialism; chiliasm
dark purple (formerly only worn by the highest-ranking officials)
Tropic of Cancer
extremely rude; impertinent; impolite
solstitial point
completely fair or just
summer solstitial point
persuasive argument
highly delighted; very pleased; deeply satisfied; brimming over with satisfaction