Used in (78 in total)
escape; break-out; prolapse; proptosis
escape; flight; breakout; fleeing; desertion
to escape from; to get out
derailment; digression; deviation
ridding oneself; freeing oneself of; growing out of; overcoming; outgrowing
ecdysis; shedding (of skin); sloughing; freeing oneself; breaking with (convention, etc.)
withdrawal (e.g. from an organization); secession; leaving; pulling out
becoming a lordless samurai
(at) high speed; as fast as one can; with lightning speed
(metaphor for) something unusually fast; (lit.) fleeing hare
escapee; fugitive
decolourization; decolorization; decolourisation; decolorisation; bleaching
escape hatch; escape door
evaporation; dehydration; desiccation
absorbent cotton
threshing (e.g. rice)
a bowel movement
setting oneself free from the life of a white-collar worker; quitting a job as a salaryman and launching an independent business
withdrawal (from membership of organization, organisation)
finishing writing; completion of a manuscript
evasion of the law; circumvention of the law
attaching and detaching; putting on and removing; installing and removing; desorption
deodorization; deodorisation
threshing machine
law-evading hallucinatory herb (e.g. synthetic marijuana, "fake pot")
decolorant; decolourant
removal of fat
ecstatic trance
abdominal hernia
dryer; dehydrator
powdered skim milk; skimmed milk powder; non-fat dry milk
law-evading drug (e.g. amyl nitrates, MiPT); quasi-legal drug; designer drug
dislocation of the hip; hip dislocation
escapement (clock mechanism)
anal prolapse
defection from or leaving a (political) party
(immunological) desensitization
deoxidation; deacidification
skim milk; skimmed milk; non-fat milk
fleeing from North Korea
apartment too small to be legally rented out, and hence let as office or storage space
denitration; denitrification
hide your true strength, and then later swiftly attack the unprepared enemy; (lit.) first be like a (meek) virgin, later like a running hare
ecdysozoan (any animal of the superphylum Ecdysozoa, incl. arthropods, nematodes, etc.)
aberration; aberrant behavior; eccentric (erratic) behavior; indulging in an escapade
person who has fled from North Korea; North Korean defector
train derailment due to a concurrence of causes
renouncing one's faith
weakened border; porous border; open border
weakened boundary; perforated boundary; dissolved boundary
jumping ship
breaking down boundaries; overcoming barriers (psych.)
hernia truss; hernia belt
decalcification; demineralization
denitrification; denitration
detinning; removal of tin and copper