Used in (53 in total)
trouble; harmful effect; evil influence; implication; involvement
heaps of corpses all around
cumulative total; accumulated total; total up to now
to cause trouble (for); to have a bad effect (on)
dependents; family members that one has to support; encumbrances; things that tie one down
successive generations
to cause trouble (for); to have a harmful effect (on); to involve (someone) in trouble
successive promotion; gradual promotion; graduated
dangerous situation; perilous position; (lit.) pile of eggs
complicity; implication; involvement
progressive taxation; graduated taxation
troubles; annoyances
repeated offense; repeated offence
successive years
acceleration; progressive increase
successive generations
a number of months
imminent danger; threatened ruin
worldly troubles; worldliness
successive or progressive increases; cumulative increase
successive; repeated
cumulative debt; debt accumulation
law of superposition; principle of superposition
cumulative temperature
progressive lens; multifocal lens
many a little makes a mickle; every little helps; (lit.) the tower of nine storeys (stories) rose from a small heap of earth
cumulative percentage
regressive taxation
accumulated loss