Used in (16 in total)
consent; assent; agreement; understanding; comprehension; grasp
to accept (e.g. an explanation); to be satisfied (with); to assent (to)
natto (fermented soybeans)
having consent (e.g. to do something); having (someone's) assent
temple office (for receiving offerings or donations); (historical) office for storing land taxes
sugared red beans
natto served on rice
natto bacteria (Bacillus subtilis var. natto)
natto made from ground soybeans
miso soup with natto
natto made by a temple and given to supporters at the end of the year
straw-wrapped natto
natto made by a temple and given to supporters at the end of the year
straw-wrapped natto
natto made by a temple and given to supporters at the end of the year
fertilizer made of composted natto