Used in (32 in total)
braided hat
sedge-woven (bamboo) hat
ancient soldier's hat; common soldier; rank and file (of a political party)
type of conical hat adorned with flowers (used in Japanese traditional performing arts); hanagasa
conical wicker hat
type of traditional Japanese conical hat
straw hat worn by women
shallow hat with a round top (looking like a half manjū)
Ogasawara-ryu (school of etiquette); punctilious etiquette; Ogasawara-ryu (school of archery, incl. horseback archery); Ogasawara-ryu (school of military strategy)
traditional lacquered conical hat
type of traditional Japanese conical hat
flat sedge hat; bamboo hat
type of conical hat that covers the whole head (used by Komuso monks)
traditional ballad sung wearing hanagasa (esp. Yamagata Pref.)
backbench member (Parliament, Congress, Diet); backbencher; minor politician
hat of invisibility; hat that makes its wearer invisible
common soldier; rank and file (of a political party)
conical hat; coolie hat
Asteraceae flowering plant (Parasenecio delphiniifolius)
conical hat worn by Mount Koya missionaries (Edo period)
large primitive bamboo hat
conical bamboo hat
Bonin flying fox (Pteropus pselaphon); Bonin fruit bat
common morel (Morchella esculenta); yellow morel
bamboo fungus (Phallus indusiatus); bamboo pith; long net stinkhorn; crinoline stinkhorn
Bonin grosbeak (Chaunoproctus ferreorostris, extinct)
Bonin flying fox (Pteropus pselaphon)
Surinam cockroach (Pycnoscelus surinamensis)
Japanese canopy plant (Paris japonica)