Used in (28 in total)
the Four Heavenly Kings (Dhrtarastra, Virudhaka, Virupaksa, and Vaisravana); the big four (i.e. four leaders in a given field)
prince of royal blood; Imperial prince
god king; god-king; guardian deity
the late king; the preceding king; good ancient kings
heavenly king; Gozu Tenno (deity said to be the Indian god Gavagriva)
loyalty to the emperor
former king; late king
reverence for the emperor; advocate of imperial rule
revere the Emperor; expel the western barbarians (19th century slogan)
strategic point; crucial time; watershed; crunch
imperial princess; royal princess
Gozu Tenno (deity said to be the Indian god Gavagriva)
loyalist to the emperor; imperial loyalist
deity enshrined at Hie Shrine (in Shiga and Tokyo)
imperial prince's family; family of a prince of royal blood
Sannō Festival (Hie Shrine in Tokyo; June 15); Sannō Festival (Hie Shrine in Shiga; April 14)
loyalty to the emperor and expulsion of the foreigners
Imperial princess
reverence for the emperor and the overthrow of the shogunate
Sannou Ichijitsu Shinto (alt. name for Hie Shinto: a form of Shinto heavily influenced by Tendai)
Sanno Shinto (branch of Shinto formed in the Tendai school of Buddhism)