Used in (111 in total)
tobacco; cigarette; cigaret; tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum)
black smoke
chimney; smokestack; funnel (of a ship); carrying a passenger without turning on the taximeter
white smoke
beacon; skyrocket; signal fire; starting shot; starting signal
gunpowder smoke
purple smoke; tobacco smoke
abstaining from smoking; quitting smoking; No Smoking!; Smoking Prohibited!
fumes from an explosion
(eruption of) smoke
dirty smoke; soot and smoke
smoking area; smoking corner
smoke bomb; smoke candle
mist over a body of water; spray; suien; four decorative metal plates joined at right angles forming part of a pagoda finial
(arch.) chimney; kiseru; Japanese smoking pipe
smoke (dispersal)
smoking room; smoking compartment
chimney sweeping (cleaning)
incense smoke
non-smoking section
to throw up a smoke screen; to put up a false front; to purposely mislead
smoke grenade; smoke shell
emitting smoke; fuming
haze; mist; fog; smog
gunsmoke; smoke of cannon
smoking (esp. as a means of preserving food)
chemical reaction used to detect residue from gunshots; gunpowder residue; gun shot residue; GSR
lamp soot (smoke)
heavy smoker; habitual smoker; person who loves smoking; tobacco lover
clouds and smoke; landscape
(secondary) tobacco smoke
chimney sweeper (cleaner)
smoke and fumes (e.g. from cooking); beacon; skyrocket; fireworks
smoke pollution
separation of smoking and non-smoking areas
smoke from human habitations
smokeless (gun)powder
absolutely no smoking; complete smoking ban; total ban on smoking
dislike of smoking
chimney; flue
lingering smoke
passive smoking; second-hand smoking
person who dislikes smoking; anti-smoker; militant nonsmoker
fragrant smoke; aromatic smoke
smoking implement; smoking device
heavy smoke; thick smoke
dust; smokestack smoke; battle scene
the smoke of guns and a rain of bullets or shells
anthracite; smokeless coal
artificial cigarette used to avoid smoking
sea spray
smoke outlet; smoke vent
thick smoke
smoke and mist; view
protection from smoke; anti-smoke
misty, fine or drizzling rain
stack effect; chimney effect
non-smokers' rights; right for nonsmokers to not be exposed to smoking in public space
smoke of powder and hail of bullets; (in) the thick of the raging battle
soot of burnt pine; ink stick (made from burnt pine)
smoking cessation clinic; smoking cessation outpatient services
smoking car; smoking carriage
kiseru; Japanese smoking pipe; fire tube (of a fire-tube boiler); chimney
moderation in smoking
person who dislikes smoking; anti-smoker
flying clouds and drifting haze; magnificent calligraphy; vivid penmanship
not being obsessed with something very long (just as clouds and haze pass swiftly before one's eyes)
smoking-free principle; no-smoking rule; smoking ban; ban on smoking
death by smoke suffocation
passive smoking; secondhand smoke
collective chimney; centralized smoke stack
active smoking; first-hand smoking
smoke alarm; smoke detector
quit-smoking drug; smoking-cessation aid; stop-smoking medication
soft or bituminous coal
limitless expanse of clouds and smoke
smoke pollution
haze near the water
quitting smoking
smoke signals