Used in (30 in total)
Wuhuan (proto-Mongolic nomadic people)
disorderly crowd; mob; rabble
disorderly gathering
silky fowl; silky
jet black; pitch dark; peyote (Lophophora williamsii); mescaline
to be reduced to ashes
crows and herons; black and white (esp. go stones); go (game)
to be burned to ashes; to come to nothing
sun and moon; time; the years; the months
European magpie (Pica pica); (arch.) crow
days and nights passing by quickly; months and years flying by; Time flies
true love; deep love; love for someone so deep that it can reach a crow perched on that person's roof
Uden Shinto (Shinto doctrines enunciated by Kamo no Norikiyo of Kamigamo Shrine)
type of leather belt worn with ceremonial court dress and decorated with a rhinoceros horn
black rhinoceros horn
game of go; playing go
miswriting a word; using the wrong kanji to write a word