Used in (109 in total)
act; deed; conduct
consequence; outcome; result; blame
idleness; inactivity
suicidal act; self-destroying action; suicidal action
artificial; unnatural; human-caused (e.g. mistake, error, disaster); man-made
sexual act; sexual intercourse
because of; owing to; due to
statesman; administrator; politician; policymaker
artificiality; pretence; contrived act; commission (of a crime); feasance
it may be because
random; unintentional; unintended
intentional; deliberate; contrived; artificial
act of treachery; breach of faith; stab in the back; double-cross
in one's imagination
(act of) masturbation; pleasuring oneself
act of violence; violent behavior
act of self-harm; self-injurious behavior; self-injurious behaviour
unfair practices; wrongdoing; malpractice; cheating; foul play
capable; able; talented; promising
human work; human agency; art; artificiality
act of terror; act of terrorism
exceeding one's authority; abusing one's legal authority; ultra vires activities
breach of faith; breach of trust; act of disloyalty
to lay the blame on; to put the fault on
interference; obstruction; sabotage
tort; illegal act; illegal activity; offence; offense
demonstration; manifestation; protest
governing; administering
groping; molestation
act which serves the interests of (benefits) the enemy
act of self-advertisement; publicity stunt
do-nothing, plan-nothing (government, etc.)
needing to be done; requiring a response
act of war; hostile act
mutability (of worldly affairs); fleeting shifts and changes (of human life)
business; occupation
perpetual change caused by karma; vicissitudes of life; that which is made
delinquency; misdeed; misconduct; delinquent behavior
parthenogenesis; virgin birth
constitutional functions (of the emperor)
forbearance; omission; nonfeasance; inaction
sexual intercourse (esp. with a prostitute); actual sex (in movies, etc.)
act of obscenity; obscene act; lewd act; indecent act; indecent conduct; indecent behavior
commercial transaction
idling one's time away
doer; performer (of a deed); perpetrator
freedom from one's desires (entry into Nirvana) is true bliss
theft; act of larceny
sayings and doings; words and deeds
having a very promising future; offering promising prospects
economic behavior; economic activities; economic act
act of endowment or donation
abandoning artifice and just being oneself; doing nothing and taking things as they come; unconditioned nature; unconditioned spontaneity
idle and incompetent; accomplishing nothing significant nor being capable of doing so; lacking the talent to do anything but idle away one's time
cheating at pachinko (through illegal tampering with the machines, etc.); scamming a pachinko parlor
bookmaking; (stock market) bucketing
act of disobedience (betrayal); violation; breach; infraction; infringement
individual action; unilateral act
designated procedures; specified acts
providential; natural
able person; person of talent
deed; act; conduct
act; deed; one's doing; cause; reason
artificial selection
capacity to act; legal capacity
actio libera in causa; manufacturing the conditions of one's own defence (e.g. getting drunk in order to commit a crime)
unfair labor practices; unfair labour practices
do-nothingism; do-nothing, plan-nothing (government, etc.); being an idle onlooker taking no steps to meet the situation
direct action; strike
profit-making activity; commercial endeavor
act of litigation; act of procedure
Iko-kai (faction of the LDP)
artificial classification
(formal act of) agreement
gratuitous act; volunteering
violation; offense; offence
sexually transmitted disease; sexually transmitted infection; STD; STI
licensed entertainment of customers
boredom; ennui; tedium; wearisomeness
aberration; aberrant behavior; eccentric (erratic) behavior; indulging in an escapade
anticompetitive behaviour; anticompetitive behavior; anticompetitive practice
crime of commission