Used in (25 in total)
cloudiness; turbidity; nebula (medical)
turbidity; cloudiness (of a liquid); opacity; disorder; chaos
pollution; contamination; corruption; graft
good and evil; purity and impurity; voiced and unvoiced consonants
voiced consonant in Japanese
dakuten; diacritic kana mark that turns an unvoiced consonant into a voiced consonant
thick voice; husky voice; guttural voice; voice with a thick accent
to be broad-minded enough to associate with various types of people; to possess a capacious mind
muddy water
doburoku (unrefined sake)
this corrupt or degenerate world; this world or life; the world of mankind
consonant p in Japanese
handakuten; diacritic kana mark that turns h into p
voiced nasal sound; nasal sonant
suspension (state)
rendaku; sequential voicing; in Japanese, an unvoiced sound becoming voiced when it is the initial consonant of the non-initial portion of a compound or prefixed word
suspension (mixture)
turbidity meter; nephelometer; turbidimeter
maru mark; semivoiced sound; p-sound
being so broad-minded as to accept all sorts of things, both good and evil; being broad-minded enough to be tolerant of people of all shades