Used in (67 in total)
transfer; assignment; conveyance
crossing a river
visit (from abroad); introduction (from abroad); importation
crossing the sea
voyage; passage; travelling
livelihood; subsistence; business; trade; profession
going to the United States
transition period
gambler; yakuza; person without a legitimate job
a little; a bit; just a minute; for a moment; somewhat; rather; (not) easily
passenger; visitor; traveler; traveller
(articles) imported to Japan by early European traders
people from overseas, especially from China and Korea, who settled in early Japan and introduced continental culture to the Japanese
going to Europe; trip to Europe
crossing; ferry; transient; changing old to new
crossing the ocean
foreign voyage; travelling overseas; travelling abroad
fording; wading (across)
transferral of a sacred object from its place of enshrinement; imperial procession
going to France
going to Britain
(pet) adoption fair; pet transfer meeting
cession of an obligation; assignment of an obligation; transfer of an obligation
going to South Korea
transfer of rights; demise; quitclaim deed
travel history; record of travel; experience of travel
transferable; alienable; assignable
visiting an island; trip to an island
coming to Japan (of a non-Japanese person)
advance payments; prepayment
going to Germany
going to China
going to Taiwan
going to China
transfer of business; business transfer
going to Manchuria
transferor; assignor
non-transferable; non-assignable; unassignable; non-negotiable
going to India
going to Italy
deity that originated on the Asian mainland, particularly the Korean Peninsula, during the Yayoi or Kofun Periods (e.g. Ame no Hiboko)
transient characteristics
going to Canada
transfer certificate title (lot ownership certificates); deed of release
going to Singapore
going to the Philippines; moving to the Philippines; migration to the Philippines
transfer price; transfer cost
going to Spain
going to Brazil
going to Russia
going to Australia
capital gain; profit on stock transfer