Used in (23 in total)
peace; security; tranquility; tranquillity
calm; composed; self-possessed; firm
peace; tranquility; tranquillity; (arch.) happy-go-lucky
having presence of mind; self-possessed; imperturbable; calm and self-possessed
great mountain; large mountain
peace and tranquillity; halcyon times of peace; peaceful world
great authority; eminent person; luminary
the Occident; the West
peace and quiet; safe and peaceful; tranquil and uneventful
big fuss over nothing; much cry and little wool; much ado about nothing
much ado about nothing; The mountains have brought forth a mouse (Aesop)
Japan and Thailand; Japanese-Thai
great authority; eminent person; luminary; (lit.) Mount Tai and the Big Dipper
Shōtai era (898.4.26-901.7.15)
Thai (language)
evergreen magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora); southern magnolia; loblolly magnolia; bull bay
the strong overwhelming the weak; completing various things without difficulty; (lit.) Mt. Tai crushes an egg
keeping calm and collected at times of disappointment; maintaining a serene state of mind in adversity