Used in (130 in total)
historic; historical; traditional
personal history; career
successive generations; successive emperors
history of; experience of
long military service; having experienced many battles
historic; historical
personal history; background; log; record; hysteresis
dark history; dark past; something one wants to forget or pretend never happened
evident; plain; distinct; clear
academic background; academic credentials; academic record
personal history; curriculum vitae; resume
to go down in history; to be recorded in the history books
(study of) history
history; career
travels; pilgrimage; itinerancy
dignitaries; very important persons; VIPs
military service; combat experience
call register; incoming call history; list of received calls
personal history
notables; dignitaries; illustrious families; clear; plain; obvious
historical philosophy
work experience; work history
successive jobs; consecutive jobs
clinical (case) history
high academic achievement; advanced academic training; higher education
historical viewpoint
(one's) military service record
brief personal record; short curriculum vitae; short CV
one's history as a performer
to let (feel) time pass
criminal record
round of calls; tour of visitation
history of one's love affairs
historical archive; library of historical records
misrepresentation (falsification) of one's past record (personal history)
historical records; historical materials
historical context; historical background
everyone has a past; every person has their own history
one's history of love affairs with women
case or medical history
historical awareness; understanding of history
itinerancy; tour; trip
academic meritocracy; education-conscious society; society that places (excessive) emphasis on academic records
young woman strongly interested in pre-Edo history; young woman making use of speech and mannerisms of pre-industrial Japan; female history buff
historical drama
low-level education; inferior education
origin and history; particulars
criminal record
geography and history
a route or passage
variety of kabuki, based on historical events
history painting; painting of a historical, mythological or legendary event or figure
page in the history books; historical (event); old news
change log; revision history
history of a company
historical times; historical period
historical map; atlas
false statement (misrepresentation) of one's academic career
history of present illness
without a history; historyless; unhistoried; unstoried
successive generations; successive emperors
travel history; record of travel; experience of travel
historical school (of economics)
calendar year; civil year; time; year after year
resume showing career and job history; curriculum vitae
historical kana orthography (used before 1946 reform); old kana orthography
pilgrim; nomad; itinerant
chronological age
to inscribe one's name in history
history of having stayed somewhere; travel history
successive reigns; successive emperors; successive dynasties
highly educated person; academic; scholar
(successive lords) using the same retainers
historic district; historic center of a town
The Chronicles (books of the Bible)
history of (automobile) accidents
historical geography
call log; call history
overstressing academic background
medical examination history
expressing one's opinion; speaking one's mind; making known; revealing
someone with inferior education
increase in the level of academic achievement; popularisation of higher education
attending a highly-ranked graduate school to boost one's credentials; (lit.) academic background laundering
change log; record of updates; update history
looking around
historical data
asphalt; bitumen
the passing of time
Chronicles I (book of the Bible)
Chronicles II (book of the Bible)
revisionist (person who takes a revisionist view of history)
one's teaching experience; one's career (experience) as a teacher
over-qualified person; over-educated person (unable to find a job); (lit.) educational refugee
official history (e.g. a state-sanctioned account of history subject to revision when the government changes)
chronicles; annals
etymology of a word; history of a word
party history (political); one's history as a party member