Used in (51 in total)
time; years
how old?; what age?
under ... years of age; less than ... years old
(phenomenon of) precession of the equinoxes
under 1 year old (of a baby); (lit.) 0 years old
annual expenditure
annual revenue (government); annual income (government); budget receipts
almanac of seasonal words (for haiku poets)
annual expenditure
annually; every year; year in year out; from year to year
Taisai; one of the eight gods of the koyomi; (arch.) Jupiter (planet)
year of birth; this year
(motion of) precession of the equinoxes; precession
child under a year old
New Year's Day
annually; every year; year in and year out; from year to year
Saisetsu; one of the eight gods of the koyomi
Saiha; one of the eight gods of the koyomi
the three friends of winter (pine, bamboo and plum)
Saikyō; one of the eight gods of the koyomi
green youth; immature youth; novice; greenhorn
decade (of age); the ...ties
annual account
time waits for no-one; time and tide stay for no man
(child in the) terrible twos
yearling; one-year-old horse
yearling; one-year-old colt
battle for sales at year-end; year-end shopping season
general expenditures; general spending
annual income and expenditure
(child in the) terrifying threes
labor system in which able-bodied men were required to work for periods in the capital (ritsuryo system)
considering he (she) is ... year's old
one's later years; final years; old age
poor crop year
beginning of the year
what age?; how old?