Used in (120 in total)
(many) trees; every tree; all kinds of trees
oak tree; (arch.) imperial palace guard
seedling; sapling; young tree
tree as seen in winter (esp. a barren deciduous tree); evergreen tree
young tree; sapling
coping; top rail
deutzia; Deutzia crenata
bishop wood (Bischofia javanica); barked tree; red tree
perch; barstool
wooden clappers
Tochigi (city, prefecture)
sleeper; railroad tie
mistletoe (esp. European mistletoe, Viscum album); parasitic plant
sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut)
rice-drying rack
crosspiece; bar; rail
splint; brace; epithesis; splice; support (e.g. for a plant); prop
crude wood (i.e. with many knots)
Tochigi prefecture (Kanto area)
yellow catalpa (Catalpa ovata); Chinese catalpa; Japanese mallotus (Mallotus japonicus)
(printing) block; woodcut
forked tree; forked branch
piece(s) of firewood (esp. chopped or split from logs); kindling (twigs, branches, etc.); firewood
wooden mosaic work; parquetry; wooden mosaic (e.g. on a piece of furniture); marquetry; marqueterie
crossarm; bracket; blade; semaphore
sticks used for calculations; divining rods
ornamental crossed rafter ends on shrine gables
evergreen tree
ridgepole; ridge beam
driftwood; floating timber
homa stick; stick on which prayers are written, then ritually burnt before an idol to ask for blessings
wooden mosaic; parquetry
paper-thin sheet of wood
thin strip of wood smeared with sulfur, used to light a fire
zigzag pattern; zigzag formation; steps down from a pier; pathway covered by extended eaves to protect from snow; large saw used by lumberjacks
chicken grunt (Parapristipoma trilineatum); threeline grunt
winged spindle-tree (Euonymus alatus); burning bush; winged euonymus
stock (from which a graft is taken)
matchwood; splint; stick; scroll roller
stock (in grafting); wood used as a platform (or base, etc.); block (i.e. chopping block); (gun) stock
common kochia (Bassia scoparia); burning bush; summer cypress
Prunus zippeliana (East Asian species of prunus)
twig used in grafting; budwood
(oil) press
log on the roof of a shrine set perpendicular to the ridgepole
fragrant wood; wooden peg; toggle
bogwood; bog oak; obscurity; fig
young tree sprouts; young tree buds
(measuring) ruler
joined block construction of a statue
light green; yellowish-green
understory trees; underbrush; undergrowth
female plant (esp. a woody plant); gynoecious plant; indented part of a wooden joint (in construction)
male plant (esp. a woody plant); androecious plant; tenoned part of a wooden joint (in construction)
red-black tree; self-balancing binary search tree
burning wood; firewood
the best flowers are the cherry blossoms, the best individuals are the samurai; as the cherry blossom is first among flowers, so is the warrior first among men
score counter (for multiples of kan)
small block of wood used to clean one's buttocks after defecating
wooden printing block
fukugi (Garcinia subelliptica); happiness tree
wooden pestle
-ary tree
grain stalk radical at left (radical 115); two-branch tree radical at left
escape wheel (in a timepiece); pulley
nose ring (for cattle)
knowledge tree
well-trimmed tree
to do something impossible; (lit.) to disembowel oneself with a pestle
Satsuma mock orange; Philadelphus satsumi
bars (of a saddle tree)
search tree; decision tree
Chinese lespedeza (species of bush clover, Lespedeza cuneata)
low-grade charcoal made from crude wood
mangrove (of family Rhizophoraceae)
Coriaria japonica (species of shrub)
harlequin glorybower (species of flowering plant, Clerodendrum trichotomum)
Japanese butterfly bush (species of buddleia, Buddleja japonica)
holly olive (Osmanthus heterophyllus); false holly; holly; spotnape ponyfish (Leiognathus nuchalis)
fiveleaf aralia (Acanthopanax sieboldianus)
Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii)
Kandelia obovata (species of mangrove)
weight-chain-pole weapon; flail
slender deutzia (Deutzia gracilis)
Weigela hortensis (species of deciduous shrub in the honeysuckle family)
panicled hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata); peegee hydrangea
glossy abelia (Abelia grandiflora)
twin-flowering abelia (Abelia spathulata)
Rhizophora mucronata (species of mangrove)
skate (Rajinidae spp., esp. the Kwangtung skate, Dipturus kwangtungensis)
mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus); missel thrush; stormcock
Siebold's arrowwood (Viburnum sieboldii)
black mangrove (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)
grey mangrove (Avicennia marina); white mangrove
agathis (genus of evergreen trees); kauri; dammar
golden oyster mushroom (Pleurotus cornucopiae)
thornback ray (Raja clavata); thornback skate
match (for lighting fires)
simple deer-hunting blind (horizontal branches and brushwood)
cutting a person's sidelocks; evenly cut sidelocks (symbol of adulthood for noblewomen in the Heian era); ritual of cutting the sidelocks (coming-of-age ceremony for women from about 1568-1867)
Takagi Station (Hiroshima)