Used in (84 in total)
eighth month of the lunar calendar
full moon; moon on the 15th day of the month (by the lunar calendar); full moon of the eighth lunar month
sixth month of the lunar calendar (approx. July); June; sixth month of Gregorian calendar; triangles of sweet rice jelly topped with adzuki beans (eaten in the sixth month)
new moon; crescent moon
fourth month of the lunar calendar
the evening moon
every month; monthly; month by month
hazy moon (esp. on a spring night)
seventh month of the lunar calendar
evening moon; moon that can only be seen in the early hours of the night (esp. from the 2nd to the 7th of the eight month)
tenth lunar month
ninth month of the lunar calendar; September
third lunar month
star (white patch on the forehead of a horse)
month of birth; birthday month
oxbow lake; billabong
misty, moonlit night; (spring) night with a hazy moon
final month of pregnancy; month in which childbirth is due
intercalary month (lunar calendar); leap month
first month of the lunar calendar; first month; first moon of the month; new moon
crescent moon
eleventh lunar month
moon of the 19th day of the lunar month
evening moon; moonlit evening; moonlight evening
third lunar month
waning gibbous moon; moon of the 19th day of the lunar month
month of fasting; Ramadan
eleventh lunar month
Akizuki Rebellion (1876)
ninth month in the lunar calendar
summer purification rites (held at shrines on the last day of the 6th lunar month)
kanji "meat" radical at left (looks like "moon" radical, radical 74)
moon on the night before a full moon; moon on the 14th day of the month (by the lunar calendar)
seventh lunar month
eighth lunar month
fourth month of the lunar calendar
eleventh lunar month
tenth month of the lunar calendar
Closterium (genus of algae)
tenth month of the lunar calendar
seventh lunar month
third lunar month
second lunar month
eleventh month of the lunar calendar
twelfth lunar month
new moon; lunar phase when the moon is completely invisible
tenth lunar month
sixth lunar month
first lunar month
ninth lunar month
tenth lunar month
ninth lunar month
twelfth lunar month
4th month of the lunar calendar
first lunar month
seventh lunar month
tenth lunar month
fifth lunar month
eighth lunar month
seventh lunar month
second lunar month
sixth lunar month
12th lunar month
first lunar month
eighth lunar month
fifth lunar month
sixth lunar month
lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus)
sixth lunar month
golden spadefish (Platax boersii); Boer's batfish
third month of the lunar calendar
eighth month of the lunar calendar