Used in (114 in total)
moon; month
months and years
fifth month of the lunar calendar; satsuki azalea (Rhododendron indicum)
moonlit night
half-moon; half a month; semicircle
sixth month of the lunar calendar (approx. July); June; sixth month of Gregorian calendar; triangles of sweet rice jelly topped with adzuki beans (eaten in the sixth month)
one month
every month; each month; monthly
time; years; days; the Moon and the Sun
first month of the lunar calendar; January
fourth month of the lunar calendar
moon viewing (esp. during the eight month of the lunar calendar)
end of the month
moonlight; moon; moonbeams
evening primrose (esp. the fourwing evening primrose, Oenothera tetraptera)
every month; trite; commonplace; conventional
every month; monthly; month by month
eleventh month of the lunar calendar
three months
crescent shape
time passes; the days and months go by; the months roll on
(at a rate of) once a month; 10 percent monthly interest
early-summer rain
to gaze at the Moon
deity of the Moon; moon god
premature birth
babies born on October 10, supposedly conceived on New Year's Day; normal gestation time (i.e. 9 months)
ninth month of the lunar calendar; September
moonrise; rise of the Moon
how many months
lunar excursion module (USA); LEM; lunar module; Lunniy Korabl (USSR) ("lunar ship"); LK
two things that superficially similar but completely different; night and day; chalk and cheese; (lit.) the Moon and a turtle
fine weather during the rainy season
beginning of month
monthly shift or duty
sake for moon viewing parties
moon (esp. full moon); circle fashioned after the moon; decorative ring on the chest of a monk's stole; straw trivet; white crescent-shaped chest patch of an Asiatic black bear
a month or older; back numbers of a monthly
the (cool) summer moon
parking lot rented on a monthly basis
spring moon; misty moon
dumplings offered to the moon (on the 15th day of the 8th month and the 13th day of the 9th month)
anniversary of a person's death
four months
monthly contract; paying by the month
first month of the lunar calendar; first month; first moon of the month; new moon
paying in monthly installments (instalments); monthly payments
middle of the month
lunar mare; lunar sea
monthly mean; monthly average
middle of the month; mid-month
(arch.) moon of the 13th day of 9th lunar month; leap month
moon rabbit; moon hare; mythical figure who lives on the moon
Boys' Festival paper-carp streamers
per month; monthly installment plan; monthly instalment plan
Asian black bear (Selenarctos thibetanus); moon bear
moonset; moondown
short month (i.e. having fewer than 31 days)
moon, snow and flowers; beauty of the four seasons (from a poem by Bai Juyi)
moonlight mushroom (Omphalotus guepiniformis)
moon-waiting party
lunar halo
dark night in the rainy season
(arch.) first day of the month; first ten days of the lunar month
month of a person's death
long month (i.e. having 31 days)
you better watch your step!; sleep with one eye open!
moon-viewing on either the night of the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunisolar calendar or on the night of the 13th day of the 9th month of the lunisolar calendar, but not both nights
the whole month; all the month
monthly installment plan; monthly instalment plan
these past months
to make a blunder; to blunder; (lit.) to have one's kettle stolen on a moonlit night
month after month; as the months go by; with each passing month
menstruation; menses; period
autumn when the moon is beautiful
shaved part of the forehead
last day of the month
middle of the month; mid-month
don't try to force good things to happen
(a) new month starts
eleventh lunar month
to try and reach above one's station and fail; to try and accomplish something beyond one's abilities and fail; (lit.) a monkey tries to catch the moon (and drowns)
to try and reach above one's station and fail; (lit.) a monkey catches (a reflection of) the moon (in the water)
sixth lunar month
monthly installment deposit; monthly instalment deposit; monthly savings
monthly (shrine or temple) visit
left (unpaid) from previous month
kanji "moon" radical at left (usually classified as radical 130)
to be overanxious; to worry needlessly
satsuki azalea (Rhododendron indicum)
golden waxcap mushroom (Hygrocybe chlorophana)
sea-run variety of red-spotted masu trout (subspecies of cherry salmon, Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae); red-spotted masu salmon
moon-viewing on the 13th day of the 9th lunar month
new moon; crescent moon
a good time to view the Moon (i.e. when it is full)
Tsukioka Station (Niigata)