Frequencyless than 1%
Used in (14 in total)
rain shower in late autumn (fall) or early winter; seasonable rain
stormy weather (at sea); poor catch of fish (due to stormy seas); poor turn-out; recession
very stormy weather (at sea); very poor catch of fish (due to stormy seas)
outburst of cicadas singing; chorus of cicadas
to be stormy or choppy (sea); to go through hard times; to be broke; to be gloomy; to be glum
seafood, etc. preserve made with mirin, ginger and soy
light shower on a night in late autumn and early winter
var. of fresh Japanese sweet made of white bean paste, egg yolk, sugar and rice granules
spring rain; spring shower; spring drizzle
showery sky; (it is) looking showery
tenth lunar month
autumn shower; fall shower
Matsuo Basho remembrance day (12th day of the 10th lunar month, associated with the change of the seasons)
the first rain to fall between the late autumn and the early winter