Used in (52 in total)
Japanese grosbeak (Eophona personata)
speck; fleck
spots; speckles; mottles
postmortem lividity
speckles; spotted pattern
Mongolian spot; Mongolian blue spot; congenital dermal melanocytosis
mole; birthmark
black spot; black speck
red spots; erythema
purple spot
senile plaque; neuritic plaque; senile druse
white spot; bright spot; facula; vitiligo; leukoderma
macula; macule; macula lutea; yellow spot
tiger beetle (esp. the Japanese tiger beetle, Cicindela japonica); blister beetle; oil beetle
mottled; patchy; macular; porphyritic
purple spot (on a plant)
(Jupiter's) Great Red Spot
age-related macular degeneration; ARMD
Laue spot; Laue pattern
grayish color; greyish colour; grizzled hair
pigmented macule; pigmented spot
chloasma; brown macule; brown spot; brown patch
freckle; ephelis; ephelides
water spot (e.g. dried on a dish after washing)
mottled teeth; mottled enamel; fluorosis
Spanish fly (Lytta vesicatoria)
variegated streaks
superciliary stripe; supercilium
acoustic spot; acoustic spots; maculae acusticae
bornite; peacock ore
blind spot (on the retina)
cafe-au-lait spot (birthmark)
raccoon butterflyfish (Chaetodon lunula); moon butterflyfish
bean blister beetle (Epicauta gorhami)
Meloe coarctatus (species of oil beetle)
blister beetle; oil beetle (insects family Meloidae)
speckled horse