Used in (164 in total)
remodeling; remodelling; restructuring; modding
betterment; improvement; kaizen (Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement)
improvement; reform
change; alteration; modification
reform; reformation; reorganization
examination of tickets; ticket gate; ticket barrier
remodelling; remodeling; reorganization; reorganisation
conversion; reform; correcting someone's conduct
repair; improvement
alteration; falsification; faking
structural alteration (of a building); reconstruction; rebuilding; remodelling; remodeling
revision; amendment; alteration
ticket barrier; ticket gate; wicket
extreme modification (esp. of cars or toy figurines)
religious conversion
name change
revision (of text); alteration; change
points of improvement; improved areas; points needing improvement; problem areas
revising (e.g. manuscript); rewriting; revised manuscript
calendar reform; adoption of a new calendar system; new calendar (for a new year); new year
new line; new paragraph; newline (e.g. LF, CR, CRLF)
improved version; variant (of a pathogen)
change of rank
renewing oneself; changing one's way of thinking
revision (of a rule, price, etc.); alteration; change
automatic turnstile (ticket gate)
to improve upon; to make improvements to; to refine
deterioration; changing for the worse
improved version; revised edition; refinement
improvement of relations; rapprochement
renaming; retitling
change in the law; legal reform
improvement of labor conditions (labour)
reform measures; improvement plan; remedial measures
change of era
reorganization; reorganisation
extension and structural alteration of building
change of title; retitling; changed title
point(s) for improvement
reminting; recasting
constitutional reform; constitutional amendment
adaptation (of story)
reform bill; reform proposal; amendment
soil amelioration; soil improvement
repentance; contrition
renewal; extension; revision
organizational change; organisational change; organizational reform
automatic turnstile (ticket gate)
structural reform; restructuring
improvement of one's constitution; reformation
revision; revised edition
reorganization; reorganisation; reshuffle
an unsettled course of action; (orders or laws) being revised often with no guiding principles
revise (rules)
remodeled car; remodelled car; hot rod
Kansei Reforms (series of conservative government measures, 1787-1793 CE)
Tempo Reforms (series of government measures, 1841-1843 CE)
the Kyōhō Reforms (1736 economic reforms)
shiku-kaisei city planning; city renewal that occurred in the Taisho and Meiji eras
reform and (or) abolition; alteration or repeal; revision; reorganization; reorganisation
change of one's family name; changed family name
Constitutional Reform Party (1882-1896); Reform Party (1952-1954)
convert (e.g. to Buddhism)
bringing up to date; progress
reorganization; reorganisation; structural reform
improved strain; improved breed
retranslation; new translation; revised translation
time of year when television and radio replace programs (usu. spring and fall)
reformer; reformist
cabinet reshuffle; cabinet shake-up
repagination; new page; form feed; page break
enlarged and revised edition
revision; modified plan
law reform proposal; law reform bill
Constitutional Reform Party (1882-1896)
Reform and Opening-up (Chinese economic policy)
economic reform; fiscal reform
constitutional change; revising the constitution
ticket examiner (collector, inspector) (in a railroad station)
reforming (esp. gasoline); reformulation; modifying
revising (and supplementing)
change of name or title; change of era
to cry loudly for a reform; to clamour for change
reopening after renovation (store, restaurant, etc.)
far-reaching amendment; significant revision
newline character (either or both of CR and LF depending on system)
changing one's attitude or conduct and making a new start; turning over a new leaf
A Plan for Remodeling the Japanese Archipelago (1972 LDP policy proposal)
fundamental reform; dramatic overhaul
ground reinforcement; soil stabilization; foundation improvement
type of Japanese calligraphy paper
the order forced on Koreans to change their names to Japanese ones
effecting de facto constitutional changes through creative interpretation of the existing constitution; reinterpretation of the constitution
changing one's registered seal
reform; reformation
re-drawing up (of family register); re-establishment
type of yarn-dyed silk goods
convert; person converted to a religion or belief
hard line break; hard return
State Minister in Charge of Regulatory Reform
Land Improvement Act (1949, reformed in 2001); Land Improvement Law
reason for revision; reason for modification
regional sovereignty reform (decentralization of power to local governments)
inspection of tickets in the car (carriage)
Enhanced Fujita scale (of tornado intensity); EF-scale
special deregulation zone; special zone for structural reform
revision of an instruction; revised order
carriage return; return (LF+CR)
personal reformation
original source of re-established family register; old family register
change of one's surname
revised and enlarged (edition)
borrowing new scoring counters during an ongoing game