Frequencyless than 1%
Used in (27 in total)
putting one's life on the line; giving everything one has got; acting out of desperation
ornamental garden stone (seemingly placed randomly to give the garden a more natural appearance); garden rock; sacrificed stone (in go); sacrifice (e.g. career, reputation); stones used in a foundation; riprap
abandoned child; foundling
to throw away; to abandon
hermit; recluse
dumping ground; dump
discard; discarded (playing) card; (arch.) bulletin board displaying the name, age, offence, etc. of a criminal sentenced to death (Edo period)
small stipend paid to dependants of a bereaved family (Edo period)
mountain where old people were abandoned (according to legend); position or division in a company to which an old and ineffective person is transferred; women's college
practice of abandoning old people, usu. women
right of samurai to kill commoners for perceived affronts (Edo period)
discard pile (card games)
sacrifice sale; selling for a song; dumping
sacrificial pawn; sacrificed piece; sacrifice
sutemi-waza (judo sacrifice throw)
throwaway; disposable; single-use
abandoned cat; stray cat
discarded tiles
snow disposal yard; snow dump
small okurigana used with kanbun; small kana used for diphthongs (ya, yo, yu, i, etc.)
hood made useless by the warmer weather of spring
marginal seal (special seal affixed into the margins of an official document to indicate that any later revisions to the document are valid); using up residual ink on a seal
grave for the body of a deceased person
letting someone die without helping