Frequencyless than 1%
Used in (34 in total)
upstart; nouveau riche; new money; piece promoted to gold general
considerably; fairly; quite
going out (of a nobleman, etc.); visiting
to consist of; to be made up of; to be concluded (e.g. of an agreement); to hold true (e.g. of a theory); to be viable (of a business, lifestyle, etc.); to carry on
promoted lance
course (of events); development; progress; market order; order without limit
the ostentation (bad taste) of the nouveau riche; air of vulgar prosperity
abruptly; suddenly; all of a sudden; without warning
developing friendship
to rise (suddenly) in the world (to a higher position)
Narita divorce; divorce of a newlywed couple upon returning (to Narita Airport) from their honeymoon abroad
upstart; parvenu; jumped-up person
unpromoted (piece); limit orders that become market orders at the closing auction if not already executed
gate for important persons; gate of honor
unbleached cloth; unbleached colour (color); unbleached; undyed
bottle gourd; ensign bearing a cluster of gourds (used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi)
the way in which something came about; origin; structure; organization; the way something is constructed
road for persons of high rank
promoted knight
traditional Koshogatsu ceremony where one person beats a fruit tree (usu. persimmon tree) with a pole while threatening to cut it down if it does not provide a plentiful harvest, with another person responding "I will, I will" for the tree
overnight millionaire
promoted piece
to be reduced to ...
to be degraded; to come down in the world; to lose status; to be ruined; to fall low
promoted silver general
to pose as; to (successfully) impersonate; to pretend to be; to (completely) become; to (fully) turn into
person willing to take on a role; willing candidate
fruit grown near the tip of the vine (hence stunted and unripe); weak-looking fellow; pale-faced man; pasty-faced man
leaving something to chance; drifting; (being) happy-go-lucky
market order; order without limit
hermaphrodite; androgyny; hermaphroditism
bamboo orchid (Arundina graminifolia)