Used in (558 in total)
success; hit
growth; development; growing up; growth (of a company, the economy, etc.)
complete; completion; perfection; accomplishment
(good) result; outcome; fruits (of one's labors); product; accomplishment
results; record; grades; marks
composition; construction; formation; makeup; structure; organization
formation; establishment; conclusion (e.g. of a deal); reaching (e.g. an agreement); being valid (of a theory, argument, etc.); holding
achievement; attainment; accomplishment; realization
approval; agreement; support; favour; favor
drawing up (e.g. legal document, contract, will, etc.); preparing; writing; framing; making; producing
formation; molding; making up; repair (e.g. plastic surgery); replacement; -plasty
creation; generation; formation; derivation
adult (esp. person 20 years old or over); grownup; becoming an adult; coming of age; growing up (to be a man, woman)
composition; synthesis; composite photo; (function) composition
ingredient; component; composition
composition; formation; organization; organisation; compilation
rearing; training; nurture; cultivation; promotion
minor; not of age
training; drilling
formation; combination
members; member; constituent
sense of accomplishment
Heisei era (1989.1.8-2019.4.30)
maturity; ripeness
punishment; judgement; judgment
incompletion; incomplete; unfinished
training; education; development; cultivation
degree of perfection; level of completion; degree of completion
maturing; ripening; aging; ageing; curing; fermenting
growth period; growing season
completion; accomplishment; attainment of greatness or success
reconstruction; reorganization; reorganisation; reconstitution; reconfiguration
mixed (e.g. team, chorus)
established fact; fait accompli
coming-of-age ceremony
finished product; finished goods; completed article
composition; constitution
(large) compilation; culmination (of hard work)
immaturity; infancy
cast; mold; mould; forming; shaping; fashioning
success or failure; outcome; result
adult organism; imago
reorganization; reorganisation; reshuffle
complete agreement
family structure; family composition; family makeup
successful person
established; existing; accomplished; accepted; completed
report card; result sheet
fee contingent upon success; contingency fee; completion bonus
imago; adult (insect)
synthesized voice; synthesized speech
adult age; majority
mature; becoming precocious
finishing writing, work, etc. at a stroke (stretch); knocking something off without a break
creation; formation; foundation; establishment
component; element; part
supporting faction
minor; person under age
high achiever; student with good academic results
brewing; fermenting; arousing; causing; creating
achievement of one's goal; goal achievement
hope of success; prospects of success
marriage; wedding
subsidy; grant-in-aid
implementor; author
main ingredient; main component
failure; rejection; rupture
reforming; reuniting; getting back together (of a band, etc.)
development (of land); preparation (e.g. of ground for housing); reclamation; creation
disapproval; disagreement
assisting; assistance; fostering; aiding
in a quarrel, both parties are to blame
affirmative vote; yes vote; aye
business results; business performance
character building; formation of character; personality development
conclusion (completion) of negotiations
completion (of a building)
rapid economic growth (esp. that of Japan in the post-WWII period)
failure; abortive (attempt, action)
firing (pottery)
human resources training; development of human resources; personnel training
under construction; in preparation
two guilty parties tried and punished together
growth (to maturity); being brought up; growing up; raising
member; regular member; active member
plastics; synthetic resins
new adult (in Japan, 20-year-old who has their coming-of-age ceremony within that year)
promotion of growth
school record; scholastic performance
age of majority; age of adulthood
(product of) nature; born (musician)
cartography; mapping
composite photograph; photomontage
great talents mature late
period of rapid growth (especially Japan's period of rapid economic growth after WWII)
stereotype; preconceived idea; preconceived notion
growth hormone (esp. somatotropin in animals and auxins in plants)
uncompleted; unfinished; crude
forcing (plants, vegetables, etc.); artificially hastening the growth of plants (by controlling heat, light, etc.)
adult dog; fully-grown dog; mature dog
plastic surgery; reconstructive surgery; cosmetic surgery
budget compilation (by the Cabinet)
rapid completion; intensive training
poor (academic) performance; poor (business) results (showing)
change; transformation
period of maturity; adolescence; puberty
achievable; attainable
synthetic fibre; synthetic fiber
rapid economic growth (esp. that of Japan in the post-WWII period)
ceremony to celebrate the completion of a building; inauguration ceremony
win-loss records (between two participants)
Coming of Age Day (national holiday; second Monday in January); Adult's Day
generator (e.g. signal generator)
child abduction; kidnapping of a minor
(with a) successful outcome; (ending in) success
compound; composite
conceptional drawing (of a building) at completion
(degree of) maturity
results-oriented approach; resultism; belief in results
rated for "adults only"
adult; person of full age
idiom; set phrase; idiomatic phrase; proverb; saying; quote
degree of success; success rate
adult woman; mature woman
idiom derived from historical events or classical literature of China
low (economic) growth
adult cat; fully-grown cat
poor result; bad record; failure
late completion; a late bloomer
minor success; small success
synthetic drug; synthetic narcotic; designer drug
origin; cause
key success factor; key to success; KSF
Heisei period (January 8, 1989-April 30, 2019)
conclusion of a contract
failure teaches success; failure is a stepping-stone to success
screen layout (film, television); window layout (computer); photo layout; page layout
set phrase; idiomatic expression
Kaiseijo (school of foreign studies set up by the shogunate during the Edo period)
coming-of-age ceremony
configuration information
report generation; report writing; report writer
growth stock; person with future promise
component distribution ratio (statistics); component ratio; proportion
training school; vocational school
synthetic leather; artificial leather; leatherette
definite plan
logical layout, organization
formation process; morphosis
person who achieves perfection; person who perfects (e.g. a theory)
synthetic rubber
initial stage; early period
written expression; writing
plastic surgery; plastic operation
level of achievement
building up and maintaining
speech synthesis; voice synthesis
chemical composition; chemical component
nutrient composition; nutritional composition; nutritional information
Formulary of Adjudications (51-article Joei legal code)
two stage construction
logistic curve; growth curve
written law; statutory law
to hinder the growth of (e.g. plants, someone); to hamper the growth of
structural elements (of an offence); constituent external element of a crime; actus reus
programming; programing
association formed to carry out an objective
restructuring of the financial industry; reorganization of financial systems
body composition
completion of one's work
formative period (e.g. of nation); formative year
(one's) work performance; performance record; service record
volatile component; volatile constituent
configuration data
associate member (esp. of a crime syndicate)
supporting argument
implementation technique
transcript of results; report of results
semi-; half-
unfinished goods
results (of an activity)
configuration management
residential land development
adult cattle; mature cattle
bit configuration
pass completion (percentage) (US football)
composite number; composite quantity
novel of formation (education); novel of character development; novel which traces the intellectual, moral, spiritual or social development of a young person; Bildungsroman
celebration for the completion of a project
zero growth; zero economic growth; no-growth economy
mixture; compound; hybrid
early completion; maturing early; precocious
hybrid language; pidgin; hybrid word; portmanteau word
compression molding; compacting
realization of an objective; realisation of an objective
aeolian; eolian; formed by the wind
Rissho Kosei-kai (offshoot of Nichiren-Buddhism founded in 1938)
ingredient name; constituent name
the great municipal mergers of the Heisei era; series of large-scale municipal mergers carried out between 1995 and 2010 under the temporary Special Mergers Law
synthetic paper
network configuration; network layout
composite brigade
stratovolcano; composite volcano
orthopedic surgery; plastic surgery
having a constant stream of visitors; being thronged with callers
nonvolatile component; nonvolatile constituent
standards author; writer of standards
physical layout, organization
finitely generated; of finite type
rapid growth (of an economy, company, etc.)
employment adjustment subsidy; subsidy for employment adjustment; subsidy to help defray layoff costs
three-act structure (in screenwriting: setup, confrontation, resolution)
constitutive form
performance-based pay; performance-based compensation; commission
achievements; accomplishments; past results
intrusive igneous rock; plutonic rock
adult guardian; guardian of adult
accessory ingredient; secondary ingredient
preformation (theory)
logic synthesis (semiconductor technique)
transformational generative grammar
organizer (in vertebrate embryology)
body composition monitor; body fat monitor; body fat scale
ligase; synthase; synthetase
come to nothingness
first-class honors (e.g. in UK-style degrees) (honours)
trust building; confidence building
confidence-building measures; CBM
cambium layer; formative layer
success and failure
written law; statute law
intensive course; crash course
alcohol combined with sugar, spices, fruit, etc.
adult chicken; mature fowl
the old left (school of thought)
sewing (by machine)
Taiseikyō (sect of Shinto)
adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; adult ADHD
principal component analysis; PCA
vapor-phase epitaxial growth; vapor-phase epitaxy; VPE
to generate an event; to trigger an event
system generation; sysgen (acronym)
macrogenerator; macroprocessor
subsidization of private schools (subsidisation)
Shinto Taiseikyō (sect of Shinto)
standard tables of food composition in Japan
constituents of compound word
syngas; synthesis gas
chroma key compositing; chroma key synthesis
partitioned organization data set
macrogenerator; macroprocessor
BPAM; Basic Partitioned Access Method
synthesis rate; synthetic rate
random number generation
epigenesis (theory)
composite modelling transformation
gametogenesis; gamete formation
growing market; growth market
high-growth track; higher growth path
level of performance
synthetic organic chemistry; organic synthetic chemistry
synthetic vinegar
age of majority; age of adulthood
liquid (phase) deposition; liquid (phase) epitaxy
liquid phase epitaxial growth; liquid phase epitaxy; LPE
recapitalization; recapitalisation
to be content with small successes
(impedance) transformer
growth path; route to growth
metamorphic belt; metamorphic zone
fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (disease of the connective tissue); FOP
heterotopia; heterotopy
quick method; shortcut (to); royal road
bowyery; bow making; bowcraft
altricial; altricious
Heisei Kenkyūkai (faction of the Liberal Democratic Party)
contact metamorphic aureole; contact aureole; aureole; contact metamorphic zone
Shinto Shūsei-ha (sect of Shinto)
memory configuration
codified constitution; written constitution
uncompleted (railway) line
signal transformation; signal shaping
constituent negation; word negation
restructured meat; restructured steak
reconstituted meat; meat slurry
inspection of a completed facility (esp. of radio stations as required under Japanese law); completion inspection
transcript of results (esp. student grades); report of results
BSAM; Basic Sequential Access Method
laminated wood; laminated lumber
expansion; build-up; hyperplasia; Aufbau (principle)
starting an enterprise and (or) carrying it to final success
chemical fertilizer; chemical fertiliser
configuration section
Indexed Sequential Access Method file; ISAM file
flower bud formation
revising to perfection
wrinkled hands from being in water; washerwoman's hands
it is easy to start an enterprise but hard to maintain it
database restructure; database reorganization
masking tape; curing tape
broadcasting more than one video stream through one television channel
Chinese four-character phrase or idiomatic expression
cultivation; training
law code; established rites
composite (e.g. index); constituent
height of a beam; beam as measured from top to bottom
calf; cattle being reared
adult and larval stages (e.g. of an insect)
sequential organization
vegetable and fruit growing