Used in (13 in total)
rural local self-government (Muromachi period)
small dish (served as a part of an ordinary household meal); side dish
eldest child; oldest child; child who carries on the family name; (arch.) pre-ritsuryo official established in key provinces, responsible for administration of his home and surrounding provinces; (arch.) head of a warrior clan (Kamakura period)
dressed bread; bread to which something has been added (sandwich, pirogi, etc.); stuffed bread (rolls, buns, etc.)
outermost enclosure of a castle or fortress (including the town around it)
1585 edict by Toyotomi Hideyoshi which banned war between feudal lords in Japan
sōryō system; organization of regional landholding families based on divided inheritance under the leadership of a main heir, usu. the eldest son (Kamakura period)
delicatessen; deli
(Edo period) streetwalker
shrine enshrining several gods
(hist.) governor-general
walleye pollack (Theragra chalcogramma); Alaska pollack
frigate tuna (Auxis spp.)