Used in (68 in total)
fear; dread; dismay; terror; horror; scare
feeling obliged; being grateful; being thankful; (arch.) shrinking back in fear
panic; scare; alarm; panic; financial panic
blackmail; extortion; threat (to extort money)
trembling with fear; filled with trepidation
feeling of dread; awful feeling; sense of fear
phobia; morbid fear
anthropophobia; taijin kyofusho
politics of fear; terrorism; reign of terror (esp. in the French revolution)
being struck with awe
scariest; most frightening
to be seized with fear; to be seized with panic
hen-pecked husband
moa (extinct, flightless bird formerly found in New Zealand)
worldwide financial crisis; global depression
respect (epistolary usage)
aichmophobia (fear of sharply pointed objects); belonephobia
haphephobia; aphephobia; haphophobia; hapnophobia; haptephobia; haptophobia
nyctophobia; fear of the dark; scotophobia
submission to one's wife
financial panic; economic crisis; economic crash
(the crime of) extortion
Very truly yours (a complimentary close used in a letter written in an old epistolary style)
financial panic; financial crisis
claustrophobia; fear of confined spaces
trypophobia (fear of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes)
post-World War I depression; depression of 1920-1921
taking another's opinion into consideration
being struck with awe; deeply moved with awe
Shōwa Depression (Japanese part of the Great Depression)
to chuckle with delight; to congratulate oneself
erythrophobia; fear of blushing
attempted extortion; extortion attempt
intimidation; threat
Very truly yours (a complimentary close used in a letter written in an old epistolary style)
feeling obliged; being grateful; being thankful; being sorry; being ashamed
scary story; horror story
fear of having blank days (e.g. freelancer unable to find work); fear of not having anything planned
Very truly yours (a complimentary close used in a letter written in an old epistolary style)
hemophobia; haemophobia; blood phobia
dysmorphophobia; body dysmorphic disorder; cacophobia
Dinocerata; extinct order of hoofed mammals
olfactory reference syndrome; ORS; autodysomophobia; fear of having an unpleasant body odour
stabilization crisis; stabilisation crisis