Used in (232 in total)
deplorable; regrettable; disappointing; vexing; unfortunate
I'm afraid to say; I'm sorry to say; unfortunately
(just) making sure; just to be sure; just in case; for caution's sake
general idea; concept; notion
sense; idea; desire; concern; attention; care
idea; notion; sense (e.g. of duty); resignation; preparedness; observation and contemplation
worry; fear; anxiety; concern
commemoration; celebration; honoring the memory of something; turning something into a memento; memory
belief; faith; conviction
doubt; suspicion; misgivings; scruples
absorption; giving undivided attention; devoting oneself (to)
regret; chagrin; mortification; freedom from obstructive thoughts
to remind (someone of something); to call attention to; to make sure of; to emphasize; to emphasise
to wish (for); to pray (for); to hope (for); to pray silently; to recite (Buddha's name, sutras, etc.) in one's mind; to chant (a silent prayer)
careful; scrupulous; thorough; conscientious; elaborate; deliberate
telepathic communication
tenacity; persistence; obsession; implacability
painstaking; careful; meticulous; scrupulous; detailed; elaborate
deep-seated grudge; hatred
(Platonic) ideal (of how things ought to be, e.g. human rights); foundational principle; idea; conception (e.g. of the university); doctrine; ideology
careful; elaborate; scrupulous
one's heart's desire; one's dearest wish
forgetting; lapse of memory
abandoning (hope, plans); giving up
nembutsu; nenbutsu; nianfo; visualizing a Buddha (in one's mind)
memorial day; commemoration day; anniversary
anniversary; commemoration
to repent; to regret; to be sorry; to rue
commemorable; worth commemorating; momentous; monumental
idle thoughts; worldly thoughts
thought; idea; conception
critical moment; do-or-die situation
vindictive; tenacious; persistent; spiteful; vengeful
telekinesis; psychokinesis
wicked thought; wicked mind
determined purpose; an incredibly short span of time (i.e. the time occupied by a single thought); a single repetition of a prayer (esp. in Jodo-shu)
guilty conscience; feelings of remorse
to be extremely cautious; to be as sure as sure can be; to make assurance doubly sure
sentiments; passions
feelings of gratitude
commemorative photograph; souvenir photograph
understanding and acceptance; spiritual awakening; a heart that understands truth; (feeling of) resignation
being concentrated on one thing; devoting oneself completely to something
(on one's) mind; heed
quiet unsociable person; obstinate person; blockhead
to give thought to; to bear in mind; to keep in mind
obsession; unreasonable but compulsive idea
to take great care (in doing); to pay attention; to be careful
souvenir; memento
conceptual; ideational; notional; theoretical; academic
taking a commemorative photo
willpower; faith; telekinesis; psychokinesis
fixed idea; idée fixe; stereotype; prejudice
general; conceptual
another idea
conviction based on flawed ideas; obstructive thought
telepathy; thought waves
commemorative plaque (usu. on a stone); stone monument (bearing an inscription)
spirit photography; psychic photography; thoughtography
natural monument; protected species (animal, habitat, etc.)
common idea; common wisdom; generally accepted idea
written pledge; signed note of assurance; memorandum; legal instrument
opinion; idea
being resolved to (do something); having a wholehearted intention
to chant (repeat) the name of Buddha
anniversary of the establishment (of)
museum (esp. in memory of a person or event); memorial hall
cause (grounds) for concern (anxiety); reason for uneasiness
sense of morality; moral sense
to wish (for); to pray (for); to hope (for); to pray silently; to recite (Buddha's name, sutras, etc.) in one's mind; to chant (a silent prayer)
deep regret; bitter disappointment; chagrin; vexation
consolation party (held after failure or defeat)
deep regret; great disappointment
idea commonly (generally) accepted in the world
basic principle; fundamental principle
souvenir; memento
right mindfulness; true faith (in rebirth in the promised land)
Buddhist incantation using chanting, drumbeating, and dancing
free from worldly or worthless thoughts
deep regret; bitter disappointment; chagrin; vexation
stereotype; preconceived idea; preconceived notion
conceptualization; conceptualisation
preaching to the deaf; (lit.) reading the nenbutsu into a horse's ear
setting one's mind at ease; not feeling that one need be concerned (about something); feeling free to disregard (something)
commemoration meeting
rosary; string of prayer beads
worry; care; consideration
continually thinking about something
evil thought; malicious motive; spite
thinking about something else
intently praying to Buddha (esp. Amitabha)
anniversary of the founding of the school
special issue stamp
taking the entrance examination for a school without regard for one's chances of passing
abstract concept; abstraction; abstract idea
suicidal ideation; suicidal thoughts
anniversary of the end of a war
basic overview; basic concept
passing away peacefully to be reborn in Paradise through invocation of Amitabha
conceptual diagram; schematic drawing; concept map
desire; wish; passion
earnestly; intently; attentively; wholeheartedly
being deep in prayer; praying devoutly to Amida Buddha
moral sense; wife of a monk
eagerly; intently
original intention
management philosophy; management principles; managerial creed
ideation; process of forming and relating ideas; to ideate
Constitution Memorial Day (national holiday; May 3)
to occur to one; to cross one's mind
corporate vision; corporate philosophy; philosophy of business; corporate ethos; corporate mission
commemorative medal
the exact opposite concept (idea); the antithesis
Buddhist incantation using chanting, drumbeating, and dancing
memorial lecture; commemorative speech
high level concept; superordinate concept; broader term
Buddhist image used as jewellery or to decorate one's home
care; scrupulousness; conscientiousness
association (e.g. of two concepts)
holding the proper state of mindfulness at the moment of death
commemorative stamp; cachet
innate idea; innate ideas
giving up; abandoning (hope, plans)
loudly reciting Amithaba's name
fixed idea; idée fixe; obsession; fixation
attainment of one's most cherished desire; one's earnest prayer being answered
the grief or feelings of the Emperor
two ideas
recitation of Amida Buddha's name on a specified day and time period (practice of Pure Land Buddhists)
National Foundation Day (national holiday; February 11)
collection of essays contributed in celebration of something; festschrift
self-concept; self-perspective; self-image
worldliness; worldly ambition; unholy desires
clearing one's heart of doubts; reassuring oneself
chanting an invocation (to Amida Buddha); reciting a prayer
American Independence day; Fourth of July
anniversary of the Great Kanto earthquake
being really disappointed; feeling utterly mortified; being deeply vexed
something one always remembers
earnestly; intently; attentively; wholeheartedly
satipatthana; mindfulness
concentration of thought
careful and thorough person; older male in an homosexual relationship
assistant in a duel (e.g. a cockfight, poetry contest, etc.) (Heian period); older male in an homosexual relationship
commemorative publication
day of national humiliation (used in China for certain anniversaries of incidents where Japan humiliated China)
contemplating Buddha while chanting his name
realism (as opposed to nominalism)
older male in an homosexual relationship
contemplation on concrete, tangible things
commemorative publication
secret Jōdo Shinshū sect of Buddhism (practised in Kyushu in the Edo period)
where there is a will, there is a way
being free from all distracting thoughts; keeping one's mind clear of all worldly thoughts; being free from all ideas and thoughts
25th of the month; 25 days
unexpected; regrettable; easy; without regrets
Liberation Day (in Korea, Italy, etc.)
innate idea; innate ideas
the orientation of time and place; awareness of the existing situation
historic sites, places of scenic beauty and natural monuments
least concern (IUCN Red List category)
variant of concern (of SARS-CoV-2); VOC
the very final proof (printing)
Yuzu Nembutsu (school of Pure Land Buddhism)
acquired idea (as opposed to innate); acquired ideas
five gates of mindfulness: worship, praise, vows, observation, prayers for the dead
contemplation (on Amida Buddha, the Pure Land, etc.)
inflation fear; inflation worries
Least Concern (conservation status); LC
commemorative coin; memorial coin
affection; strong feeling of love
silent rumination; quiet thought