Used in (62 in total)
making a round trip; going and returning; round-trip ticket; return ticket; correspondence; exchanging (letters)
coming and going; traffic; road; street; association; socializing
moving about in confusion; going every which way; going this way and that
sometimes; occasionally; now and then; from time to time
passing on to the next life; death; giving up a struggle; submission; being at one's wits' end; being flummoxed
being brought to a standstill; being stranded; being stumped; being in a dilemma; dying while standing (and remaining standing); dying on one's feet
not knowing when to give up; being a bad loser
doctor's visit; house call
sometimes; often
unreasonably stubborn; not knowing when to give up
brink of death; time to give up; knowing when to give up
years gone by; earlier years; former years; the past
outward journey
traffic; coming and going; highway
ancient times
double slap in the face (second slap administered by the return motion of the back of the hand)
more or less; though not quite satisfactorily; tentatively; for the time being; just in case; once
rebirth in paradise; peaceful death
ancient times
case or medical history
ancient times
dash and go; pushing forward
the past; past events
passing away peacefully to be reborn in Paradise through invocation of Amitabha
illness that one had in the past; previous illness; medical history; anamnesis
in all ages; since antiquity
round-trip ticket; return ticket
spirited advance; energetically going forward
to die peacefully; to have lived a full life
visit; interview
situation in which one can move neither forward nor backward; (lit.) Benkei's last stand
ancient times
business handbook (with glossary) of Edo period
forced compliance; coercion; compulsion
going on one's own or one's own way
postcard with a reply card attached
after this; from now on; hereafter; ago; since; before
first half of a reply card
outward voyage
independent way of life
Edo-period travel permit
person going (away); past
site visit (auditors, public accountants, etc.)
words and deeds of the people of yore
the passage of people and horses; coming and going of people and horses
alternating chills and fever
going unhesitatingly forward
ancient times; times of old; time long since passed
round-trip ticket (for a train, bus, etc.)
from times immemorial; from ancient times
reciprocating pump
don't dwell on the past; let bygones be bygones
elementary school textbook, used from late Heian to early Meiji periods
memories of the past events (being, becoming) far and distant
memories of the past events (being, becoming) far and distant