Used in (93 in total)
overbearing; coercive; pushy; forcible; high-handed
quotation; citation; reference
absorption; suction; aspiration; attraction; draw
attraction (e.g. magnetic, gravitation); affinity; gravitational pull; attractiveness; magnetism
leading; guiding; commanding
traction; towing; hauling; driving (e.g. economic growth)
ignition; catching fire
to perform the last rites over the deceased; to give someone their final notice (e.g. when firing them); to give someone the final word
index (in a book)
enticement; inducement; attraction
last words recited to the newly departed; requiem; converting people to Buddhism
audience; interview
arrest; custody; seduction; abduction
consent; acceptance; agreement
delay; procrastination
guidance; showing the way; massage; tao yin; Taoist Neigong
tractor; towing vehicle; driving force; leading role
taking responsibility
seeking one's own interests; straining (the interpretation or argument) to suit one's own interests; drawing water for one's own field
good day for business and lawsuits (trial day)
quotation; referring to precedent
taking responsibility upon oneself (and resigning)
gravitational field (of a celestial body); sphere of gravitation; gravisphere
quotation marks; quote marks
quotation; citation
leading force; driving force; leader
quotation source; citation source; reference source
arrest; custody
summons; warrant of arrest
name index; index of persons
flash point; flashing point
citing copious references
reference; quotation
present (to build up a "friendship" with someone); bribe
short preface; brief foreword
extensive references (in a text)
number of times cited; number of citations; citation number
sweeping; scanning
carrying off by deception; kidnap
inflammable liquid; inflammable fluid
rubefaction (reddening of the skin)
exhibition match held at a wrestler's retirement ceremony
rubefacient (substance that causes redness of skin)
quoted (character) string
index listing kanji by their Chinese and Japanese pronunciations
tugging; towing
ignition source
Indexed Sequential Access Method file; ISAM file