Used in (23 in total)
Naraka; Hell; very bottom; the end; trap room (of a theatre); below-stage basement
Nara (city, prefecture)
Kanagawa (prefecture)
Kanagawa prefecture (Kanto area)
depths of Hell; abyss; inescapable situation
Nara period (710-794); imperial court during Nara period
Nara period (710-794 CE)
Nara prefecture (Kinki area)
kannabi; mountain or forest where a deity is enshrined
vegetables pickled in sake lees
Nara Buddhism; Nara-period Buddhism
utmost limits; to the finish; to the (bitter) end; to the hilt; down to the bedrock
the Avici hell, the eighth and most painful of the eight hells in Buddhism
the "na" column of the Japanese syllabary table (na, ni, nu, ne, no)
irregular conjugation of verbs ending in "nu" (in written Japanese)
loop (of thread, string, etc.)
largescale blackfish (Girella punctata)
silver-stripe round herring (Spratelloides gracilis)
redlip mullet (Chelon haematocheilus)