Used in (29 in total)
audacious; daring; bold; throaty (voice); rough; deep
bold; shameless; cheeky; brash; impudent
very thick; something extremely thick; thick, heavy thread
big-boned; sturdily built; stout; solid (plan, storyline, etc.)
middle-aged spread; weight put on in middle age
a bold hand
putting on weight from the good (married) life
solidly built person
boldface (type)
(skin) boil
extreme weight gain; sudden weight gain; rapid weight gain; ballooning up
medium thickness; medium width
putting on weight over the New Year's holidays
chubby; slightly overweight
(clothes which) make one look fat
thicker towards the end; club-shaped
short and fat; pudgy; stocky
prospering after a fire
being fat; fat person
jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos)
crocodile monitor (Varanus salvadorii, species of carnivorous monitor lizard found in New Guinea); Salvadori's monitor; Papua monitor; artellia
grosbeak weaver (Amblyospiza albifrons)
thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia); Brunnich's guillemot
Snares penguin (Eudyptes robustus); Snares crested penguin; Snares Islands penguin
squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis)