Frequencyless than 1%
Used in (27 in total)
Grand Minister; Chancellor of the Realm
Grand Council of State (1868-1885 CE); Department of State (under the ritsuryo system)
large drum; bass drum
Japanese drum
pellet drum (used as a children's toy); rattle drum
grand kagura performance at Ise; type of performance including the lion dance and juggling; Camellia japonica 'Daikagura' (cultivar of Japanese camellia)
dadaiko drum (decorated with flames)
drumming at the end of the day of wrestling inviting spectators to return tomorrow
beating of a drum as a signal to announce the opening (beginning) of an event (theatrical performance, festival, etc.)
drums sounded in the morning to draw the crowds to a match
drum used in ancient warfare to signal an attack
drums which announce the opening of a stage performance or commencement of bouts; the sound produced by such drums
drumming in the streets to announce a tournament; announcing an event by walking around in the streets beating a drum; drum used to announce an event by walking around in the streets
grand kagura performance at Ise
dadaiko drum; large drum used for outdoor bugaku and gagaku performances
cloistered emperor; ex-emperor who has become a monk
ensemble taiko drumming
demon drums; type of drumming performance done to ward off ogres
small high-pitched Japanese drum or taiko with its head pulled taut by ropes
ninaidaiko; drum carried on a pole, used in bugaku and gagaku performances
tsuri-daiko; large hanging drum used for bugaku and gagaku performances
zenidaiko; hollow bamboo baton with coins strung on the inside, used as a folk percussion instrument