Used in (28 in total)
hard; solid; stiff; tight; strong; firm (not viscous or easily moved); safe
formal; strict; ceremonious; stiff
straight-laced person; stubborn person
prudish; strait-laced; boring; square
honest; respectable; respectable occupation (i.e. not yakuza, prostitute, etc.); person in a respectable occupation
tight-lipped; able to keep a secret
tight-lipped; able to keep a secret
having one's guard up; not showing weak points; (of women) resisting attempts of being hit on; being distrustful of potential love interests; prudish
to harden; to freeze; to put together; to collect; to make secure; to stabilize; to fortify
formal; strict; ceremonious; stiff
hard-baked; hard
hard biscuits; hardtack
hardness; firmness
square; trustworthy person
solidly built person
hard charcoal
old-fashioned way of thinking; old-fashioned spirit; old-fashioned
snow with a frozen crust on top; crusted snow
chaste woman; virtuous woman
reef knot; flat knot; square knot
underworld; netherworld
firmness; hardness; stiffness; honesty
a wholesome household can not be disturbed from the outside; a house divided against itself cannot stand; (lit.) a firm fence keeps the dogs out
firm tofu; hard tofu
hard; solid; tough