Used in (75 in total)
earth; soil; the earth (historically, esp. as opposed to the heavens); the ground; low-quality torinoko-gami (containing mud); (period of) refraining from construction in the direction of the god of the earth (in Onmyōdō)
cloud of dust
country; territory; domain; realm
construction worker; laborer (labourer); navvy
dust; cloud of dust
earth (color, colour); ashen; deathly pale
lump of earth; clod
Atypus karschi (Asian species of mygalomorph spider); tsuchigumo (people of ancient Japan who were not subjects of the Yamato court)
earthenware pot
clay doll; clay figure; clay figurine
earth (color, colour); ashen; deathly pale
earthen bridge
red clay; tuff loam; dark-red paint
playing with dirt; gardening; farming (as a hobby)
to bury in the ground
earth god; earth deity
black terracotta; black soil
to die; (lit.) to become earth
dungeon; underground prison
smelling of earth; rustic
embankment (for road, railway, etc.); raising the ground level; fill
arch of the foot; plantar arch
plaster; wall clay; wall mud
peasant uprising (Muromachi period)
to harden earth into a mass
to cover with earth
white clay; white earth; kaolin; mortar
to die; (lit.) to become earth
keeping soil in good condition
Kagutsuchi; fire deity who burned to death his mother Izanami during childbirth (and was therefore beheaded by his father Izanagi)
to level the ground
making things out of dirt (for fun)
ashes and earth; poor volcanic soil
piling up or covering with earth
mud pie; seed ball ("nature farming" technique); deer truffle (Elaphomyces granulatus); false truffle
undefeated record; clean record; no losses
kanji "earth" radical at left (radical 32)
unglazed earthenware
aardvark (Orycteropus afer)
scoliid wasp (any wasp of family Scoliidae)
covered with soil (of vegetables, etc.)
bare ground revealed by melting snow
ship transporting earth; ship made of earth (in Japanese tales)
barren soil
gloss; sheen (surface quality found in unglazed pottery)
earth taken from elsewhere and placed atop
red soil aggregate; akadama; clay-like volcanic ash soil (used for bonsai, etc.)
Tsuchimikado Shinto (synthesis of Shinto and Onmyōdō formulated by Yasutomi Tsuchimikado in the mid-Edo period)
decomposed granite
to rain dust; to have a dust storm
clay, straw, etc. mix used for intermediary wall coating
earth cut; cutting
adding soil to a flowerbed
great burdock sold covered with soil
clay, straw, etc. mix used for rough undercoat of wall; cob
earth form of "good luck" character
rich (fertile) soil
bundle of straw used as mulch
wrinkled frog (Rana rugosa)
tarantula (any spider of family Theraphosidae)
Cyrtosia septentrionalis (species of orchid)
Chinese false gudgeon (Abbottina rivularis)
Meloe coarctatus (species of oil beetle)
blister beetle; oil beetle (insects family Meloidae)
barometer earthstar (Astraeus hygrometricus)