Used in (166 in total)
state; country; nation
national border; provincial border
National Diet; legislative assembly of Japan (1947-); Imperial Diet; legislative assembly of Japan (1889-1947); legislative assembly; parliament
diplomatic relations
national flag
national treasury
state secrets; secrets of the state
state religion
member of the Diet; Diet member; member of parliament; MP
power of the state; government authority
border patrol; border guard; border guards
national parliament or congress building (e.g. National Diet Building (Japan), United States Capitol (USA), Houses of Parliament (UK), etc.)
national anthem
subversion (of the state)
country with a constitutional government; constitutional state; country where the rule of law prevails; system based on the rule of law
national glory; Ralls Genet (cultivar of apple); Ralls Janet; Rawls Jennet
National Diet Library; Library of Congress
the world and the nation; the state of the world; high affairs of state
to enter into diplomatic relations
organs of the state; machinery of the state
modern state; modern nation
national certification; national qualification; government certification
the fate of a nation; life-or-death (situation) for a nation; national crisis
dictatorship; despotism
power of the state; national sovereignty; sovereign rights
national and public
democratic nation; democratic country
flags of all nations
state socialism; Nazism; national socialism
democracy; democratic nation
nationalism; statism
national finance; central government finance
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
breakup of diplomatic relations; diplomatic break
world state; world federation
multiracial nation; multiethnic country
national flower
national pride
international border dispute
National Medical Practitioners Qualifying Examination
state prohibition
federation of states; confederation of nations
to hoist the national flag
continental state (e.g. Australia)
to violate the border; to invade the frontier district
state sovereignty; national sovereignty
the Japanese nation under the ritsuryo codes
country with a high level of culture
National Public Safety Commission
State Shintō; nationalistic form of Shinto, formerly the official religion of Japan
Anglican Church; Church of England
ruler of a country; sovereign; monarch
extraordinary Diet session; extraordinary session of the Diet; session of the Diet convoked by the Cabinet by need or house request
peace-loving nation
spiritual protection of the state
national constitution
ordinary session of the Diet
special Diet session; special session of the Diet; Diet session required to be convoked within thirty days of a general election
national, prefectural and other public universities and colleges
diplomatic recognition (of a country)
ethnically homogeneous nation; racially homogeneous nation
Nonconformist; Dissenter
as a nation; with the whole country
current Diet session
Islamic state (state where shari'a law is enforced); Islamic country
anniversary of founding (of PRC); national celebration time
Director of National Intelligence (USA); DNI
Chinese Civil War (1927-1937, 1946-1949)
houses of the Diet being controlled by different parties; (lit.) twisted parliament
rogue nation; rogue state
national rural police (1947-1954)
summons to appear before the Diet
country of origin; ethnicity
Japanese and Chinese literature
biographical notes and character sketches of prominent individuals, arranged according to place of birth or origin
rogue nation; rogue state
Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation
business in the Diet; managing Diet affairs
national rural police (1947-1954)
Japanese reading of a kanji (sometimes esp. in ref. to readings that do not correspond to the orig. Chinese meaning of the kanji)
eventful times for the nation; the nation being in turmoil; the storm clouds gathering in the land
state (sponsored) terrorism
state capitalism; national capitalism
national pride; national prestige
state sponsor of terrorism; state that sponsors or supports terrorism
national, public, and private
microstate; ministate
stalled session of the Diet (Japanese Parliament)
government subsidy; state aid; state assistance
Diet session up to the creation of the budget
remainder of the Diet session after the creation of the budget
national language; state language
caliphate; caliphate state
secular state; secular nation
construction state; civil engineering state; country dominated by the construction industry
National Military Establishment (forerunner to the U.S. Department of Defense; 1947-1949)
anniversary of the death of an emperor or empress
National day (of China)
weakened border; porous border; open border