Used in (67 in total)
abrupt; sudden
Tang dynasty (of China; 618-907); T'ang dynasty; (arch.) China; (arch.) foreign country
absurd; nonsensical; preposterous
capsicum (Capsicum annuum, esp. the cultivated chili peppers); chili pepper (chile, chilli); cayenne; shichimi pepper
damn Westerner; (lit.) hairy foreigner
Chinese person; (arch.) foreigner
Chinese paper
envoy to Tang China
China; Chinese
blend of seven spices (cayenne, sesame, Japanese pepper, citrus peel, etc.)
absurd; nonsensical; ridiculous; idiotic; laughable; ludicrous
Chinese goods; imported goods; (arch.) secondhand goods; (arch.) old furniture
Tang period (China; 618-907); Tang era
winnower; grain fan
Chinese style
poetry of the Tang period; Tang poetry
visiting Tang China (esp. of an envoy, monk, or exchange student); entering Tang China
Tang dynasty (China, 618-907); T'ang dynasty
damn Westerner; (lit.) hairy foreigner
squash; pumpkin
Indian millet
Chinese name for a high government office (ritsuryo period); (arch.) alias; (arch.) pseudonym
Chinese ink
mousseline de laine; mousseline; light woollen fabric
desk made in China; Chinese style desk
Tang-era Chinese music; tōgaku; style of gagaku based on Tang-era Chinese music and ancient Indian song and dance
books from China
spruce tree (esp. Picea jezoensis hondoensis, a variety of Ezo spruce)
deep-fried Chinese pastry (sweetened with jiaogulan)
sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)
var. of taro with long purple stalks
tō-on; Tang reading; on reading of a kanji based on Song dynasty and later Chinese
going to China
blend of seven spices (cayenne, sesame, Japanese pepper, citrus peel, etc.)
wintersweet (Chimonanthus praecox); Japanese allspice
decadence; decline
shishito pepper (variety of Capsicum annuum)
Later Tang dynasty (of China; 923-937); Later T'ang dynasty
bell pepper; sweet pepper
a long time ago
tang cai (Brassica rapa var. toona)
Tang shaku (approx. 29.6 cm)
Okinawan-style fermented tofu
shishito; small sweet green pepper
the eight Japanese monks who visited China during the early Heian period (Enchin, Engyō, Ennin, Eun, Jōgyō, Kūkai, Saichō and Shūei)
style of gagaku based on Tang-era Chinese music and ancient Indian song and dance
tōsō-on; Tang-Song reading; on reading of a kanji based on Song dynasty and later Chinese
very sudden; very abrupt
high-quality sugar imported from China
thick Japanese paper resembling Chinese paper (from late Edo period onward)
trident maple; acer buergerianum
star anise (Illicium verum)
miniature Chusan palm (Trachycarpus wagnerianus); (poss. Trachycarpus fortunei)
castor oil plant (Ricinus communis); castor oil bean
Chinese temple bamboo (Sinobambusa tootsik); tootsik bamboo
Elaeagnus multiflora var. hortensis (variety of goumi)
pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)
Crepidiastrum keiskeanum (species of plant in the daisy family)
Norway spruce (Picea abies)