Used in (78 in total)
denial; negation; negation (logic); NOT operation
refusal; rejection; denial; veto
negative; contradictory
complete denial; complete disavowal; total negation
success or failure; outcome; result
denial; negation; repudiation; disapproval
to refuse; to reject; to deny
propriety; right and wrong; advisability; pro and con; ayes and noes
success or failure; result
rejection; negation; voting down
blocking communications (from a phone number or an e-mail address)
right and wrong
no; the noes
propriety; right or wrong; justice
good or bad
total denial; complete denial; denying totally (flatly, outright)
negation of the negation (in the Hegelian dialectic)
consent or refusal; yes or no; decision to accept or decline; up or down (vote); assent or dissent; accept or reject
refusing to allow a passenger on board a train or into a bus or taxi
negative word
adoption or rejection
truant child; child who refuses to attend school
negative sentence
propriety; fitness; aptitude
bad fortune; misfortune
negative question; question asked in the negative (e.g. "Can't you read Japanese?")
necessity (or lack thereof)
refusal to accept the present situation; denial of the existing situation; negation of the status quo
neurotic fear of returning home after work; nostophobia
anxiety or stress-induced inability to go to work
refuser; objector
approval and disapproval
the good and bad
right to keep silent; right to silence; right to remain silent
NOT gate; NOT element
draft refuser; draft objector
non-disjunction; NOR operation; NEITHER-NOR operation
non-conjunction; NAND operation; NOT-BOTH operation
draft refuser; draft objector
negative acknowledge; NAK
constituent negation; word negation
sentential negation; sentence negation; statement negation
constituent negation; word negation
non-disjunction; NOR operation; NEITHER-NOR operation
quasi-negation (e.g. use of words like 'hardly', 'seldom', 'barely'); weak negation
non-conjunction; NAND operation; NOT-BOTH operation
to take the ayes and noes
considering the pros and cons of; examining arguments for and against