Used in (237 in total)
speech; words; one's lines; remarks
stand; rack; support; holder; counter for machines, incl. vehicles; setting (e.g. in jewellery); level (e.g. price level)
kitchen; financial situation
script; libretto; scenario
one machine; one vehicle
(truck) load-carrying tray; (bicycle) luggage carrier; roof rack
mess; spoiled; spoilt; (come to) nothing; ruin
foundation; base; basis; from the beginning; from the outset; by nature
elevation; high ground
to spoil; to ruin; to destroy; to make a mess of
candlestick; candlestand
viewing platform; observation deck; observation platform
Sendai (city in Miyagi)
stool (stood on to reach high objects); small stepladder; (fig.) stepping stone
(gun) battery; fort
lighthouse; old-fashioned interior light fixture comprising a wooden pole with an oil-filled dish and a wick atop it
platform truck; hand truck; trolley; (railway) truck; bogie; flatcar
low dining table; tea table
washbasin; washstand
to come to nothing; to be spoiled; to be spoilt
laboratory testing bench; laboratory table; subject of an experiment; (human) guinea pig
workbench; work table
plateau; tableland; eminence
(playground) slide; (ship) launching platform; sliding bed
astronomical observatory
(beheading) block; guillotine; scaffold
watchtower; watch tower; lookout tower
kitchen table; kitchen counter; working surface
scaffold; gallows
sink; washstand
Odaiba (artificial island in Tokyo Bay)
watch stand; watcher's seat; attendant's booth (e.g. at an onsen)
account book; ledger; register
practice kit; practice board; practice partner; training partner
desk for a speaker; lectern; rostrum; platform
witness stand; witness box
oval tub or tray used in fish shops
dressing table; dresser
observation platform; lookout platform
(major) mark; level; barrier; 100-yen unit (stock market)
garrison (in Meiji era)
it is darkest under the lamp post; it's hard to see what is under your nose; go abroad to hear of home; you must go into the country to hear what news at London
number of large objects such as cars, computers, etc.
step in a Japanese entranceway
fort; battery
table tennis table; ping-pong table
backing paper (for a photo, painting, etc.); mat; mount
Tendai sect (of Buddhism)
victory stand; winners' podium
Censorate (Later Han and Song-dynasty surveillance agency)
trapezium; trapezoid
scaffold; gallows
wife of a shogun or a highest-ranking nobleman
examination table (at a doctor's office)
Tendai sect (of Buddhism)
clothes-drying platform; place for drying laundry
bookrest; bookholder
Balcony of Appearances; balcony where the imperial family appears before the public; (sports) interview platform; winner's platform; dancing platform (in a disco)
stand; frame; abutment
footrest; foot stool
balance beam (in gymnastics)
wife of a shogun or a highest-ranking nobleman
butt of a gun
flipping a table over in anger; overturning a table in anger
gas range; gas burner; gas ring; gas cooker; gas cooktop
opposing arcade machines wired together (for two-player games)
meteorological observatory
TV stand; TV table; TV unit
chassis; car body
lotus-shaped pedestal for images of the Buddha
sleeping car; sleeper
display stand; exhibition table
chopping block; springboard for discussion; draft proposal; tentative plan
lookout platform; viewing platform; observation tower; viewpoint; overlook
lighthouse keeper
(childbirth) delivery table; birthing table
telephone table; telephone stand
your honor (honour); his (or her) honor (honour)
barge; pontoon
(telephone) switchboard; switchboard operator
stone pedestal
fishing stand; small portable stand that can be assembled quickly; stand used to transport people or things (Edo period)
rack (torture device)
stand, table or altar on which one places donated flowers
ironing board
outdoor bench (placed under the eaves of a house and used for cooling off during the summer)
Olympic cauldron; Olympic flame platform
(shipbuilding) berth
stand for flower vase
cornerstone; foundation stone
special viewing platform (even higher viewing platform)
railway turntable; car turntable; driveway turntable
pachinko machine
queen cell (of a beehive); royal cell
(Japanese-style) dining table
curtained sleeping platform in shinden-style residences (used by people of high rank)
words; one's lines
cashier's desk; counter (where you pay in a store); cash desk
stock (in grafting); wood used as a platform (or base, etc.); block (i.e. chopping block); (gun) stock
test bench; test stand
ornament representing the Isle of Eternal Youth
curtained sleeping platform in shinden-style residences (used by people of high rank)
oblong stand for trays of food; weighing table
table-wiping cloth
witness stand or box
(camera) platform
large utensil stand (tea ceremony)
ticket (sleeping car)
bridge abutment
bench (i.e. for bathroom); seat; small piece of furniture upon which one can sit on
window-sill; window-ledge
drainboard; draining board
wash stand; wash basin; sink
tall building; the cabinet
footstool; footrest
free seat (e.g. a park bench)
The Nonpareil Kitchen (nickname for Osaka); The Kitchen of the Nation
draft of a magazine's content (usu. a table showing the allocation of each page)
in-store video game installation (for customer trials)
training partner; training hall (esp. one made of wooden planks and used for dancing practice)
stand for tea bowls (tea ceremony)
basic resident register; basic register of residents
altar, stand or table for burning incense
Imperial Prosecuting and Investigating Office (1869-1871 CE); Imperial Prosecuting and Investigating Office (under the ritsuryo system)
pillory; stocks; gibbet
workbench; work table
the Blue House (South Korea's presidential palace)
draft of magazine's content (a table showing the allocation of each page)
platform scales; weighing platform
(Japanese) Darby and Joan dolls
marine meteorological observatory
executioner's block
to be fired; to be decapitated
braiding stand with a circular top
candelabra; candelabrum; girandole
district meteorological observatory
center of the Garbhadhatu mandala (containing Mahavairocana and eight Buddhas)
radio astronomy observatory
isosceles trapezoid; isosceles trapezium
a rise above a certain level (of a stock price, etc.)
low table used by speakers, professional storytellers, etc.; lectern
tall lamp or candle stand; tall candlestick
neckband (of a shirt)
exact center of the Garbhadhatu mandala; platform upon which the fire is lit in a stone lantern
shooting script (film, television); continuity
counter in a sushi restaurant
(Chinese) television station
plane with a blade at ninety degrees to its base used for maintaining the bases of other wooden planes
sawhorse; sawbuck
lotus seat (under Buddhist statues); lotus base
dining table; (arch.) cooked rice
Euphorbiaceae (family of flowering plants)
frustum (of a cone or pyramid)
terminal block (electrical)
food set out on a stand; gift placed on a stand; (arch.) food brought on a large stand to a brothel by a red-light district caterer
(manufacturing) fixtures
wheel truing stand
Tendai Shinto (alt. name for Hie Shinto: a form of Shinto heavily influenced by Tendai)
house or housing registry
cadastral map of Japan (first published in 1892)
wave-cut platform; abrasion platform; coastal bench
basic resident register card; citizen identification card; Juki card
wooden plane with a convex base curved in the cutting direction
honorific used in company correspondence
sleeper ship (science fiction)
free stock (in grafting); compatible rootstock
panoramic viewing platform
bicycle rollers
stool (stood on to reach high objects); stock (in grafting)
a fall below a certain level (of a stock price, etc.)
ornamental doorway (in the raised area of a shoin-style reception suite)
traverse table; transfer table; car transfer
diaper changing station; nappy changing stand
dining table; (arch.) cooked rice
very large float used to carry taiko at festivals
copy holder; stand for holding papers during typing, etc.; glass part of a scanner, copier, etc.
nine-tiered lotus leaf platform in Amitabha's Pure Land
wartweed (Euphorbia helioscopia); sun splurge
truncated pyramid
chopstick rest
coppicing-like technique used with cedar trees
sawhorse; sawbuck
fairyland; beautiful building ornamented with gems
truncated cone; frustum of a cone
sawhorse; sawbuck
Russian false yellow lupine (Thermopsis lupinoides)
eastern crowned warbler (Phylloscopus coronatus)
caterer in a red-light district
minister or general's wife who became a nun
observatory for astronomy, cloud-watching, etc.; astronomical expert; place where the soul is located
astronomical expert
Sakuradai Station (Tokyo)
Heiwadai Station (Tokyo)
Tokiwadai Station