Used in (108 in total)
ovum; ovule; egg cell
egg-laying; spawning
fertilized egg; fertilised egg
white of an egg; albumen
oval shape; egg shape
identical (of twins); monozygotic; unioval; uniovular
egg mixture; egg wash
fallopian tube; oviduct
fraternal (of twins); diovular; dizygotic; biovular
ovum; ovule; egg cell
wind egg; unfertilized egg; unfertilised egg
fish eggs; roe; hard roe
brood parasitism (planting one's eggs in another bird's nest, as demonstrated by the cuckoo, etc.)
oviparity; produced from eggs
(ovarian) follicle
spawning season; breeding season; laying period
incubation; hatching
ovarian cancer; ovarian carcinoma
egg membrane
cleavage (in embryology); segmentation
egg collection (from hens, fish, etc.); oocyte collection
dangerous situation; perilous position; (lit.) pile of eggs
egg sac; egg case; ootheca
spawning grounds; egg-laying site
silkworm-egg paper
insect egg; insect eggs; parasite egg; parasite eggs
egg sack (frog, spider, etc.); egg mass
whole egg; egg white and egg yolk
cryopreserved oocyte; frozen ovum
follicle-stimulating hormone; FSH
oval tombstone
oocyte cryopreservation; ovum freezing; egg freezing
sweet of egg yolks drawn into strands and boiled in sugar syrup (orig. from Portugal); angel hair; fios de ovos
imminent danger; threatened ruin
egg-laying hen; layer
silkworm egg
egg candling; egg testing
double-yolk egg; double-yolked egg
oviduct; Fallopian tubes
freckle; ephelis; ephelides
oomycete; class oomycota; water mold
oophorectomy; ovariectomy; ovarian resection; spay surgery
centrolecithal egg; mesolecithal egg
interspecific brood parasitism
cryopreserved oocyte; frozen ovum
oocyte cryopreservation; egg freezing
powdered egg; dried whole egg
frozen eggs; cryopreserved oocyte; frozen ovum
broad oval shape (leaves, petals, etc.)
intraspecific brood parasitism
ovarian tissue freezing; ovarian cryopreservation
processed egg; processed egg product
utriculus; utricle
the strong overwhelming the weak; completing various things without difficulty; (lit.) Mt. Tai crushes an egg
telolecithal egg (egg having the yolk situated primarily at one end)
follicular phase; proliferative phase (of the estrous or menstrual cycle)
fenestra ovalis (of the ear)
homolecithal egg (egg having a yolk that is evenly distributed throughout)
liquid egg; liquified eggs; liquefied eggs; cracked raw eggs (usu. with yolks still intact)
cleavage cavity; segmentation cavity
dried egg powder
powdered eggs; dehydrated eggs; dried eggs
estrogen; oestrogen