Used in (214 in total)
southern part; the south (of a region)
the south; southward; southern direction; countries in the south (esp. Southeast Asia and the pre-WWII South Pacific Mandate)
going south
north and south; north to south; South Korea and North Korea
southern country; southern provinces; southern lands
South Pole; the Antarctic; Antarctica
instruction (in martial arts, performance, etc.); teaching; coaching
(arch.) southern barbarians (formerly used by the Chinese to refer to non-ethnic Chinese to the south); (arch.) South-East Asia; (arch.) Western Europe (esp. Spain and Portugal, their South-East Asian colonies, and their goods and people arriving in Japan via the colonies); exotic (esp. Western European or South-East Asian style); (in dance, puppetry, etc.) thrusting the right foot and right arm forward at the same time (or left foot and left arm); nanban; dish prepared using chili peppers and Welsh onions
South America
east, west, south and north
southern tip
southern sea
Nara; Kongōbu-ji
south wind tile; winning hand with a pung (or kong) of south wind tiles
Southern Court (of Japan; 1336-1392); Southern Dynasty; Southern Dynasties (of China; 420-589)
Nanjing; Nanking; pumpkin; squash; Chinese; Southeast Asian
southwestern part; the southwest
southern sky; heavenly bamboo (Nandina domestica); nandina
pumpkin (Cucurbita sp.); squash
south coast; south bank
south wind; southerly wind; (arch.) summer
southern army (e.g. in a civil war; esp. the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War)
American Civil War (1861-1865)
southernmost tip (point, extremity, etc.)
southeastern part; the southeast
Annam (old name for Vietnam)
proceeding south
handbook; instruction book; manual
south of; and south
fried chicken with vinegar and tartar sauce
crossing the meridian
Northern and Southern Courts (of Japan; 1336-1392); Northern and Southern Dynasties; Northern and Southern Dynasties (of China; 420-589)
Mount Kōya (esp. Kongōbu-ji); southern mountain
bed bug (Cimex lectularius); bedbug
Satsuma Rebellion (1877)
south face; south side; the south; ascending the throne; ruling
main southern gate (of a temple, castle town, etc.)
Central and South America
Nanbokuchō period (of Japan; 1336-1392); period of the Northern and Southern courts; period of the Northern and Southern dynasties (of China; 5th-6th c.)
South Africa
south round
south-southwest; south-south-west
Southern Song dynasty (China, 1127-1279)
peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
Southern Europe
foreign ship (esp. of Spanish and Portuguese ships arriving from the south prior to the Edo period)
Christian churches built in Japan in the second half of the 16th century
south-southeast; south-south-east
southern latitude
instruction in the ways of love
(articles) imported to Japan by early European traders
Chinese "Dipper" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
island in the southern sea (esp. Shikoku)
southern lights
roasted or deep-fried fish or meat, marinated in a spicy sauce
Southern France; le Midi
Nanban trade; Japanese trade with Spain and Portugal (1543-1641)
Henan Province (China)
east-southeast; ESE
South China
Southern School (of Chinese painting)
South American continent
southerly (wind); from the south
The Confederate States of America
confections adopted from Portugal, Spain, etc. during the Muromachi period and since Japanized
Nankaidō (alt. name for the Shikoku region)
flowing south (e.g. of a river)
Nansei Islands; Ryukyu Islands; chain of islands extending from southwestern Kyushu to northern Taiwan
Antarctic Circle; the Antarctic
south of the capital; southern part of Kyoto
Yunnan Province (China)
Chinese rice; foreign rice
noodles with duck meat and Welsh onions
southern suburbs
the Satsuma Rebellion
products of the south seas
constant travelling; constant traveling; being on the move; restless wandering
Hunan Province (China)
Milk Dipper; southern dipper asterism (star pattern) within Sagittarius
Huainanzi (ancient Chinese collection of essays)
grounds south of a building; southern garden; garden south of the Hall for State Ceremonies (in the Kyoto Imperial Palace)
South Korea
southern part of a prefecture
Chinese fancy mouse (usu. all-white with red eyes)
South Africa
the southern ocean
South Manchuria
street performance in which the performer transforms a specially made bamboo screen into various shapes while chanting an accompanying poem
going south; heading southward
southwest Japan (southwest of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line)
Nanking Massacre (1937); Rape of Nanking
Southwest school (of neo-Kantian philosophy)
six sects of Buddhism brought to Japan during the Nara period (Sanlun, Satyasiddhi, Faxiang, Abhidharmakosha, Vinaya, and Huayan)
Southern Buddhism (as practiced in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia)
instruction in martial arts
sailing south; southbound
southern limit
ancient Chinese vehicle with a compass whose needle always pointed south
pung (or kong) of south tiles when south is both the round wind and one's seat wind (meld)
(second) Boer War (1899-1902)
Nanking Incident (targeting of Nanking's foreign properties and residents by Kuomintang troops in March, 1927); Nanking Massacre (1937); Rape of Nanking
Nankai megathrust earthquake
Tonankai earthquake of 1944
southern half
Jeollanam-do (South Korea); South Jeolla Province
Annamese (language); Vietnamese
Shonan train; medium-distance train on the eastern Tokaido Main Line (coloured green and orange)
the southern polar stars
10th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. B); eighth month of the lunar calendar
southern corner
along the southern coast
sauteed vegetables with fish or poultry made into a stew; poultry or fish stew with chili peppers and Welsh onions mixed in
Antarctic region; south polar region
Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties period (China, 220-589 CE)
1946 Nankaido earthquake
Chungcheongnam-do (South Korea); South Chungcheong Province
Gyeongsangnam-do (South Korea); South Gyeongsang Province
the whole world; south of the Big Dipper
South American hemorrhagic fevers
Confederate States of America; CSA
area of southwestern Japan south of the Median Tectonic Line
area of southwestern Japan north of the Median Tectonic Line
the seven great temples of Nara (Daian-ji, Gango-ji, Horyu-ji, Kofuku-ji, Saidai-ji, Todai-ji, Yakushi-ji)
chili pepper (chile, chilli)
Austronesian (family of languages)
aurora australis; southern lights
Antarctic Circle (latitude)
Protectorate General of Annam; Han-period Chinese office established in Hanoi in 622 CE
Nanking Massacre (1937); Rape of Nanking
Southern Min; Minnan; southern branch of Min Chinese
Vietnamese (language)
Mahonia japonica; Japanese mahonia
Union of South Africa
Hainan Province (China)
Nanking porcelain; chinaware
spokeshave; spoke shave
attacking in all directions
Southern Qi dynasty (China, 479-502); Southern Ch'i dynasty
Odontophoridae (New World quail family of birds)
along the southern coast; along the southern seashore
Shonan Gold (hybrid Japanese citrus)
jack-in-the-pulpit; cobra lily (plant of genus Arisaema)
keiskei fetterbush (Leucothoe keiskei); doghobble; dog hobble
Persian carpet flatworm (Pseudobiceros bedfordi); Bedford's flatworm
Sorbus gracilis (species of mountain ash)
reef manta ray (Manta alfredi)
berry catchfly (Silene baccifera); Cucubalus baccifer (former name)
Western European (esp. the Spanish and the Portuguese); (lit.) southern barbarian
south China; southern China
large undertaking attempted in a far-off land
Nanto City (Toyama)
Nantan City (Kyoto)
Kōnan Station (Aichi)