Used in (74 in total)
spurious article; forgery; counterfeit; imitation; sham
camouflage; disguise; pretense; feigning; masquerade
false name; alias; assumed name; pseudonym
truth or falsehood; genuineness; authenticity; veracity
forgery; falsification; fabrication; counterfeiting
falsehood; untruth; lie; fallacy (logic)
hypocrite; dissembler; wolf in sheep's clothing; fox in a lamb's skin
counterfeit paper money; forged document
diversionary tactics (maneuvering); disguise; hide by camouflage
to make sure of the truth
false evidence; perjury; false testimony
sham marriage; fake marriage
extent to which (something) is true or false; whether or not (something) is true
pretense of evil; pretence of evil
falseness (logic); falsehood
false telegram
spurious letter; apocryphal book; forgery
artificial breasts; fake breasts
fake passport; forged passport
inactive placebo; placebo
dubious; doubtful; of unknown authenticity
apocryphal work; forgery; spurious article
fraudulent claim of product origin
deceptive plan
dummy supporters (e.g. for sports team); dummy soldiers (e.g. left behind when evacuating)
assuming a false name
mislabelling of food (e.g. expiry date, country of origin, etc.); food fraud
counterfeit goods; fake; (a) forgery
lie; untruth; prevarication
pseudopodium (temporary protrusion of an ameboid cell); pseudopod
hypocrite; snob
forged card (e.g. cash card, credit card); counterfeit card
forged handwriting; plagiarism
false report
propensity to put oneself in as bad a light as possible; being prone to act bad
false reporting; fake news
perjurer; false witness
false labeling; false advertising
apocryphal sutra (composed in China or Japan)
misrepresentation; misstatement
falsified history
forged seal
false membrane
disguised contracting; fake subcontract; hiring a temporary employee and paying for the completion of the work rather than the work itself, thereby avoiding have to pay benefits
pseudo; fake; imitation
false representation; misrepresentation; false labelling; misstatement
perjury; false oath
fake refugee; phony refugee; illegal migrant disguised as a refugee
pirated edition
false fruit; pseudocarp
spurious book; forgery
counterfeit check (cheque); bad paper
false science; science out of line with the world of thought
Boolean value; truth value
pseudohyperaldosteronism; pseudoaldosteronism
priestcraft (Book of Mormon)
pseudanthium; flower head
false pregnancy; phantom pregnancy; pseudopregnancy
suspected case (disease)