Used in (80 in total)
offer; tender; providing; sponsoring (a TV program)
supply; provision
affidavit; deposition; testimony
to offer; to present; to serve (food and drink); to offer (to the gods); to set up (before an altar)
offering of flowers (at shrine, grave, etc.); floral tribute
informant; informer; contact; Information Provider
giving; provision; furnishing
donor; contributor; provider
obligatory supply (of goods to the government, e.g. during wartime); delivery (to the government at a fixed price, e.g. of rice)
(free) sample; promotional gift
to offer; to present; to serve (food and drink); to offer (to the gods); to set up (before an altar)
stable supply; reliable supply
power supply; power distribution
under-the-table payoff; offer of an illegal profit
excessive supply; oversupply
entertaining with food and drink; treating to dinner; wining and dining; immediately agreeing with someone else; pandering
offering something free as a promotion
affidavit; deposition; testimony
short supply; supply shortage
oversupply (of goods, etc.); excessive supply
supply network; supply chain; distribution network
supply center; supply centre
display; show
offer for use
financing; funds provision; funds supply; supply of investable funds
affidavit; deposition
feast; banquet
blood donation
power supply company; power distribution company
affidavit; deposition
universal blood donor (i.e. having blood-type O negative); universal donor
sender (side of transaction)
rice delivered to the government
(farmers') rice deliveries
something deposited
(product) under testing
sole supply; monopoly supplier
value provided (by product, service, etc.)