Used in (378 in total)
tactics; strategy; military operation; naval operation
work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.); opus; performance; production
work (e.g. of art); production; harvest; cultivation; technique
drawing up (e.g. legal document, contract, will, etc.); preparing; writing; framing; making; producing
work (film, book); production; creation; turning (something) out
creator (of a work); author; writer; artist; composer; playwright
new work; new production; new composition; new creation; new title
manufacture; production
handicraft; work; construction; maneuvering; manoeuvering
crop; crops; (agricultural) produce; farm products
manners; etiquette; propriety; manner of production (esp. of prose, poetry, etc.); way of making
creation; production; creative work (novel, film, etc.); fabrication; fiction; invention
original work
masterpiece; best work; amusing blunder; funny mistake; boner
strategy meeting; council of war
one's own work; making by oneself
trial product; prototype model
trial manufacture; experiment; test piece; prototype
failed creative work; flop; dud; bomb
spy; agent provocateur; covert operative; maker; builder; constructor
writing; book
fake (work); counterfeit
writing (an essay, prose, etc.); composition; formal writing with little real meaning
manufacture; production
works; factory; plant
work of art the creator has confidence in; work one is proud of
manufacturer; producer
masterwork; masterpiece; crowning work; one's magnum opus; work of the highest quality
cultivation; farming
large-scale operation; large-scale campaign; major mission
this piece; this work
crops; agricultural produce
within the story (of a book, play, film, etc.)
abundant harvest; bumper crop
performing a part in one's own play; playing a musical piece that one has written; doing everything by oneself (from preparation to execution); put-up job; charade; sock-puppeting (i.e. pretending to be more than one person on the Internet)
large-scale work; voluminous work; monumental work; great work; masterpiece
poor crop; bad harvest; crop failure; low quality (e.g. of literary works)
original author (of a work)
style (of a work, author, artist, etc.); characteristics
artificiality; pretence; contrived act; commission (of a crime); feasance
drawing pictures; painting pictures; taking photographs
most important work (of a writer, artist, etc.); representative work; masterpiece
rice cultivation; rice crop
random; unintentional; unintended
subversive activities
work of art; artwork; objet d'art
debut work; one's first work
diversionary tactics (maneuvering); disguise; hide by camouflage
previous work; preceding work; first crop grown in a double-cropped field; preceding crop
painstaking piece of work; work of great effort; tour de force; toil; labor; labour
creative work (e.g. artistic, literary)
prototype model; experimental machine
rescue mission; evacuation operation
bad harvest; poor crop
(writing) song lyrics
plagiarism; plagiarised work
dodgy dealings; monkey business
intentional; deliberate; contrived; artificial
most recent work (e.g. book, film, etc.); latest work; latest offering
poor piece of work; rubbish; trash
operation plan; scheme of operations; plan of campaign
collaboration; joint work
will (urge) to create; creative urge; appetite for writing
playwright; dramatist
building (esp. a house); house fixture; fitting; facial features
mopping-up operation; search-and-destroy operation
maiden work; debut work
derivative work (usu. unauthorized and produced by fans, e.g. dōjinshi, fanfiction)
posthumous works
art project which is done in place of a graduation thesis at a college of arts
planting a field with the same crop each year; repeated cultivation; collaborative literary work; story made up by several writers working on it in turn; series (of novels); cycle (of poems, songs)
cultivated land
implementor; author
composition of a poem
concocting an alibi
authentic work (as opposed to a fake)
toil; labor; labour; painstaking piece of work; (a) work involving considerable effort
hit (film, song, book, etc.); bestseller; blockbuster
Japanese witch-hazel (Hamamelis japonica)
(a) study (e.g. in music, art, sculpture, etc.); etude; practice piece
tenant farming
super work; tremendous work; spectacular; blockbuster
songwriting (words and music)
trial stage; experimental phase; prototype stage
production cost
(Japanese) Copyright Act
house for rent; house to let; building a house; built house
creative cookery; creative cuisine
dry field farming; dry field crop
title (of a work of art)
anthology; collection of works
good piece of work; honourable mention (honorable)
operational; strategic
military operation; military tactics; military strategy
putting a plan into operation
under construction; in preparation
independent production (e.g. of a film)
community door-to-door campaign; search operation; cleaning campaign carried out thoroughly over an area
oeuvre; complete works
joint work; collaboration
rotation of crops
to make
adaptation (of story)
artistic work; literary work
manufacturing cost; production cost
much-discussed work (book, film, etc.)
lyric writer; lyricist; songwriter
repeated cultivation damage (same crop, same soil); continuous cropping hazard; replant failure
cartography; mapping
drawing and manual arts (school subject)
controversial work (art, literature, etc.); work that caused public criticism; work of art dealing with contemporary questions; succès de scandale
old work; existing work
fiction writer; dime novelist
political maneuvering; politicking; political machinations
written thing (e.g. book, musical composition); works
fool; blockhead
two crops a year
next work (writer, composer, etc.)
cheap literature; writing for amusement; light literature popular in the late Edo period
idea; design; motif; conception; intention
farm hand; tenant
English composition
copyright holder; copyright owner
prolific (writer, artist, etc.); productive; producing many works; writing prolifically
character (in a novel, film, etc.)
work by the same author (artist, etc.); work in the same style; same way of making
co-production; collaboration
apocryphal work; forgery; spurious article
timeless masterpiece; immortal work
spy; special agent; covert operative
trial printing; prototype edition
psychological tactics
poor work; humble reference to one's own work
epic film; big-budget movie
rent paid by a tenant farmer
English composition
work sent to a competition; competition entry
collection (e.g. literary works); collected edition
inconsistently, horribly drawn animated film or cartoon; animated cartoon episode of lower picture quality than other episodes in the same series
crop conditions; quality (of art)
operations (a strategy) on two fronts; two-pronged strategy
drawing a figure; drawing a diagram; construction
excellent (piece of) work
model of writing; example of writing; example sentence (in a dictionary); illustrative sentence
factory ship; repair ship; spy ship
versification; verse making
creating a garden; landscape gardening
mediocre work; poor work
normal crop
work of art or literature that brings fame
forbearance; omission; nonfeasance; inaction
creative writer
strategy of holing oneself up in a castle (house, building)
recent work
whole work; all of the works
poor piece of work; rubbish; one of my works
landed farmer; owner farmer
house playwright (of kabuki)
peace initiative; peace overture
operation to win over someone by using a tactic of gentle persuasion
bribery scheme; acquisition maneuver
new creation; new invention; new production; new breed
report generation; report writing; report writer
copyright infringement; (software, etc.) piracy
unprolific (writer, artist, etc.)
play writing
writing a book; literary work
semiannual crop; two crops per year
internal maneuvering; secret maneuvering (within an organization); reconciling the various views within an organization before airing something in public
Japanese sword making
counterfeiter; faker; appropriationist
imitation (work)
wheat raising
creative power; genius; creative originality
shoreline protection or operations
come-back work (film, album, book, etc.)
composing haiku poems
preparatory operations; measure taken in advance; doing the groundwork
propaganda work; propaganda efforts (maneuvers)
work after one's heart
manufactured article; work; (a) construction; structure
fields and rice paddies that have been abandoned and are no longer cultivated
porcelain making; ceramics making; pottery making
competition for better work
confabulation; fabrication
animation studio; animation production company
rice-field tilling
good crop; masterpiece
second crop; interim crop
splendid work; masterpiece
lyric writer; lyricist; songwriter
unfaithful adaptation; hideous adaptation; terrible spin-off
semi-recent release (usu. video)
pacification work (activity)
Invasion of Normandy (June-July 1944); Normandy Invasion
Operation Barbarossa (1941)
movie in which ... has the starring role
implementation technique
catch crop; intercropping
second crop
start day for military operation; departure day; D-Day
genetically-modified crop; genetically-engineered crop; transgenic crop; GM crop
crop diversification; crop rotation; change of crops
works (of art, etc.) on display
two-part work
pincer operation (tactic)
spade work; preliminaries
antiterrorist operation; counterterrorism operation
odd but somehow interesting work of art
diversionary operations
string-pulling; backstage manoeuvering (maneuvering)
three crops a year
experimental car
composition and arrangement
poor manufacture; poor quality; inferior goods
single crop
mixed cultivation
designing a font; creating a new character not currently available
Operation Tomodachi; United States Armed Forces assistance operation to support Japan in disaster relief following the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
feigned illness
autumn crops; fall crops
coauthor; joint author; collaborator
underground activities; secret maneuvering
to make; to produce; to manufacture
fiction; fabrication
winter crop
movie in which ... has the starring role
copyright notice; copyright declaration
impoverishment of farmers because of a bumper harvest; decline in farmers' income caused by the sharply lower farm prices as a result of bumper harvests
abandonment of cultivation
rice paid as rent
adding something to or altering a finished work of art; something added or altered in this manner
standards author; writer of standards
bibliographical catalogue; author bibliography
anonymous; of unknown authorship
bumper crops; year of a full rice harvest
honorable mention; honourable mention
crops planted in summer
spring crop
full array of masterpieces
landed and tenant farming; landed farming with some tenant farming on the side
tenant farming; sharecropping
magnum opus; (one's) best work
production committee system (joint financing for a work, e.g. anime, film, game)
selection of masterpieces
right crop for the land; suitable crop for the land
multiple cropping
currying of political favor; buying political influence
log (i.e. work-file)
manufactured article
joint work (art, music, etc.)
impoverishment of farmers because of a bumper harvest; decline in farmers' income caused by the sharply lower farm prices as a result of bumper harvests
various works
neologism (esp. medical)
author's personal rights; moral rights
tactical operations center; tactical operations centre
perpetual land lease; perpetual tenant farmer
farm; workshop
smaller harvest than expected; poor crop; bad harvest; crop failure
crops planted in summer
Three Alls Strategy (Japanese scorched earth policy during the second Sino-Japanese War)
nonfarming land; untilled land
operation order
Operation Ketsugō (Japanese military plan for responding to the Allied invasion of the homeland)
a bad wife spells the ruin of her husband; a bad wife means a hundred years of bad luck to her husband
underlying work; original work
subtenancy; sublease
subject of a composition
surface soil
en plein air; plein air painting
good crop; increased yield
poor crop; diminished yield
suitable crop
online sockpuppet (who acts on behalf of a company or organization); paid troll
the right to tenant farm in perpetuity
something accidentally accomplished; two working together
termination of cultivation (usu. tobacco)
bowyery; bow making; bowcraft
cotton production
crime of commission
being absorbed in writing popular novels (cheap fiction); being absorbed in writing something to amuse oneself
heavy rescue vehicle; rescue truck
rights of authorship
writing (poetry); composing
spy; secret agent; ninja
plan; tactic; strategy